
1T - TRX


TRX - Sisteme de sine Pentru:- cortine de greutate medie și siparii- ciclorame- elemente de scenă ușoare
Vezi toate
Rail and components 1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T02T - Connection set for touring1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T05 - Offset plate
Carriers 1T10 - Master carrier1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T14 - Overlap arms Kit (2 pieces)1T15 - Side cord limit switch arm1T16 - Top cord limit switch arm
Carriers 1T13 - 2-wheel runner1T18 - Cărucior rezistent1T19 - Clema de atașare a scenografiei
Pulleys 1T20 - Return pulley1T21 - Head double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Top cord aligner1T24 - Side cord support
1Z - Hand Line Pulleys 1Z01 - Adjustable floor pulley1Z02 - Weight floor pulley1Z03 - Spring loaded floor pulley1Z04 - Floor pulley with foot stirrup
Suspension parts 1T30 - Suspension bracket1T31 - Central cord suspension bracket1T34 - Hook clamp - Bracket fixing1T35 - Hook clamp - Rail fixing1T36 - Pipe collar Ø 50 mm - Rail fixing1T36A - Pipe collar Ø 50 mm - Bracket fixing1T38A - Eyenut - Bracket fixing1T38B - Eyenut - Rail fixing
Suspension parts 1Z10∙250 - Suportul de perete 250 mm1Z10∙400 - Suportul de perete 400 mm1Z20Mrsatrv1T37 - Studding bar 15 cm - Rail fixing
TRX este un sistem modular profesional pentru manipularea orizontală a următoarelor:
- cortine de greutate medie și siparii
- ciclorame
- elemente de scenă ușoare
Soluția perfectă pentru scene, studiouri, târguri, săli de conferință, etc.
- asamblare rapidă și ușoară, ideală pentru turnee
- robustețe
- funcționare silențioasă
- mare versatilitate
- gamă extinsă de componente
- configurații curbate ușor realizabile
- configurații motorizate ușor realizabile
- testat și foarte fiabille

- profil de aluminiu extrudat
- finisaj anodizat negru
- greutate de 946 g/m
- lungime maximă a șinei de 600 cm
- lungime maximă de 200 cm între două puncte de - suspendare
- rază minimă de curbare de 50 cm
- canaleta superioară pentru piulițe de canal
The table shows the maximum loads applicable to the rail only.
It is essential to consider the load capacity of each component of the system.
The load limit of the system is determined by the weakest component.
- nylon wheels with ball bearings
- with anti-noise rubber bumpers
Sarcina de incarcare a rolelor
- 1T10 / 11 / 12 - Master Carriers: 30 kg
- 1T13 - 2 Wheel Runner: 10 kg
- 1KC - 4 Wheel Runner: 20 kg

Cablu de operare
- culoare neagră
- diametru 8 mm
- 100 % poliester de înaltă tenacitate

Optiuni de montare
- pe tub / stanga de teatru
- pe ferme din alumini
- pe tavan
- pe perete cu 1Z10 - Suportul de perete
- pe grinzi metalice cu 1Z20 - Beam clamp
- suspendata cu cabluri sau lanturi

Configuratii principale
- S. Deschidere centrala pe o singura sina
- D. Deschidere centrala sina dubla
- L. Deschidere laterala
Comanda mișcării
- H. Prin tragere cu mana
- C. Manuala cu franghiel (1Z - Hand Line Pulleys)
- M. Motorizat (Motor R1 și Motor R2)
Soluții personalizate pot fi dezvoltate pentru a se potrivi nevoilor particulare.

Graficul de culoare

S-.H. configuration track S-. Straight single rail central openingH. Hand pulled uncorded walk-alongup to 50 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T10 - Master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kit
Track configurație Sᴖ.H.with U shaped curve Sᴖ. Single rail central openingH. Hand pulled uncorded walk-alongfor central overlap up to 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T10 - Master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kit
S-.C. configuration track S-. Straight single rail central openingC. Corded manualup to 50 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kitMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T24 - Side cord support1Z01 - Vedeți toate opțiunile3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
S–.M1. configuration track S–. Straight single rail central openingM1. Motorized, up to 300 kg curtainup to 50 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kitMotion control1T20 - Return pulley1T21 - Head double pulley1T24 - Side cord support1T15 - Side cord limit switch arm1T50 - Side cord limit switch2DR1-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
S-.M2. configuration track S-. Straight single rail central openingM2. Motorized, up to 125 kg curtainup to 50 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1KS - End stop1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kitMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T24 - Side cord support1T15 - Limit switch arm for 1T11 + 1T501T50 - Limit switch for 1T11 + 1T152DR2-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Sᴖ.C. configuration track Sᴖ. Curved single rail central openingC. Corded manualup to 50 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kitMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1Z01 - See all options3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Sᴖ.M1. configuration track Sᴖ. Curved single rail central openingM1. Motorized, up to 200 kg curtainup to 50 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kitMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1T16 - Limit switch arm for 1T12+1T52+1T531T52 + 1T53 - Limit switch for 1T12+1T162DR1-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mmFixing1T31 - Top cord suspension bracket1T34 - Hook clamp + bolt
Sᴖ.M2. configuration track Sᴖ. Curved single rail central openingM2. Motorized, up to 100 kg curtainup to 50 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1KS - End stop1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner1T14 - Overlap arms kitMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1T16 - Limit switch arm 1T12+1T52+1T531T52 + 1T53 - Limit switch 1T12+1T162DR2-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
X-.H. configuration track X-. Straight split single rail central op.H. Hand pulled uncorded walk-alongup to 100 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C-S - Curved rail for splitting1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T10 - Master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner
X–.C. configuration track X–. Straight split single rail central op.C. Corded manualup to 100 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C-S - Curved rail for splitting1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Return pulley1T21 - Head double pulley1T24 - Side cord support1Z01 - See all options3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
X-.M1. configuration track X-. Straight split single rail central op.M1. Motorized, up to 300 kg curtainup to 100 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C-S - Curved rail for splitting1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T24 - Side cord support1T15 - Limit switch arm for 1T11 + 1T501T50 - Limit switch for 1T11 + 1T152DR1-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
X-.M2. configuration track X-. Straight split single rail central op.M2. Motorized, up to 125 kg curtainup to 100 cm central overlapComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C-S - Curved rail for splitting1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1KS - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T24 - Side cord support1T15 - Limit switch arm for 1T11 + 1T501T50 - Limit switch for 1T11 + 1T152DR2-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
D-.H. configuration track D-. Straight double rail central openingH. Hand pulled uncorded walk-alongcentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T10 - Master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner
Dá´–.H. configuration track Dá´–. Curved double rail central openingH. Hand pulled uncorded walk-alongcentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T10 - Master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner
D-.C. configuration track D-. Straight double rail central openingC. Corded manualcentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1Z01 - See all options3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
D-.M1. configuration track D-. Straight double rail central openingM1. Motorized, up to 300 kg curtaincentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1T16 - Top cord limit switch arm1T52 - Top cord limit switch with pulley1T53 - Top cord limit switch2DR1-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
D-.M2. configuration track D-. Straight double rail central openingM2. Motorized, up to 125 kg curtaincentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1KS - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1T16 - Limit switch arm for 1T12+1T52+1T531T52 - Top cord limit switch with pulley1T53 - Top cord limit switch2DR2-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Dᴖ.C. configuration track Dᴖ. Curved double rail central openingC. Corded manualcentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Spacer plate1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1Z01 - See all options3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Dᴖ.M1. configuration track Dᴖ. Straight double rail central openingM1. Motorized, up to 200 kg curtaincentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1T16 - Top cord limit switch arm1T52 - Top cord limit switch with pulley1T53 - Top cord limit switch2DR1-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Dᴖ.M2. configuration track Dᴖ. Straight double rail central openingM2. Motorized, up to 100 kg curtaincentral overlap exceeding 50 cmComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1KS - End stop1T04 - Overlap bridge1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1T16 - Top cord limit switch arm1T52 - Top cord limit switch with pulley1T53 - Top cord limit switch2DR2-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
L-.H. configuration track L-. Straight rail side openingH. Hand pulled uncorded walk-alongComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T10 - Master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner
Lá´–.H. configuration track Lá´–. Curved rail side openingH. Hand pulled uncorded walk-alongComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T10 - Master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runner
L-.C. configuration track L-. Straight rail side openingC. Corded manualComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T24 - Side cord support1Z01 - See all options3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
L-.M1. configuration track L-. Straight rail side openingM1. MotorizedComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T24 - Side cord support1T15 - Riscontro finec. per 1T11 + 1T501T50 - Finecorsa per 1T11 + 1T152DR1-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
L-.M2. configuration track L-. Straight rail side openingM2. Motorized, up to 125 kg curtainComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1KS - End stop1T11 - Side cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T24 - Side cord support1T15 - Riscontro finec. per 1T11 + 1T501T50 - Finecorsa per 1T11 + 1T152DR2-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Lᴖ.C. configuration track Lᴖ. Curved rail side openingC. Corded manualComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Horizontal pulley1T21 - Double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Double pulley cord aligner1Z01 - See all options3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Lᴖ.M1. configuration track Lᴖ. Curved rail side openingM1. Motorized, up to 200 kg curtainComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2 Wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Return pulley1T21 - Head double pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Top cord aligner1T16 - Top cord limit switch arm1T52 - Top cord limit switch with pulley2DR1-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm
Lᴖ.M2. configuration track Lᴖ. Curved rail side openingM2. Motorized, up to 100 kg curtainComponents1T01 - Straight rail1T01C - Curved rail1T02 - Connection set1T03 - End stop1KS - End stop1T12 - Top cord master carrier1T13 - 2-wheel runnerMotion control1T20 - Return pulley1T22 - Top cord guide1T23 - Top cord aligner1T16 - Top cord limit switch arm1T52 - Top cord limit switch with pulley2DR2-RDS2QEM-7G1-152QEW - Panou de comanda W 3E - Frânghie Poly Ø 8 mm

Video & Documentare

TRX motorized track test

Motorized traveler curtain test

TRX track test, manual opening with curves

Motorized traveler curtain factory test




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