
Teatro Sociale, ''Così fan tutte''


The stage of the Teatro Sociale din Como during the general rehearsal.The black COS - Oscurante molton Mascatura scena is the background to two lowered lighting trusses.A third truss is bearing a Kompas type Sisteme de sine from which it was hung ...
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... a Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla made of HLU - Lucilla printat digital with a 15 x h 6.8 m size.The scenographer Nicolas Bovey has chosen ...
... a making with a very mild falduri verticale (30%), to give movement to the surface of the fabric ...
... but without disturbing the vision of the printed subject, a view of the Gulf of Naples ...
... inspired by an engraving, the digital printing of which reproduces the monochrome hatch.Nicolas Bovey has chosen the HLU - Textil Lucilla metallic fabric which, thanks to its marked reflective properties ...
... and easily takes on any colour given to it by the lights.The 52. silver colour, which is free of chromatic interference ...
... will allow to light up the curtain with any colour ...
... without unwanted colour changes.The Aerocoloror printing technique allows the HLU - Textil Lucilla fabric to maintain its softness unaltered.
Opera buffa in doua acte
Prima reprezentatie
Vienna, Burgtheater, 26/1/1790

light design
Nicolas Bovey
Giada Masi
Light design
Giuseppe Di Iorio
Directia tehnica
Alessio Picco, Alberto Comino
Directia scenica


Materiale utilizate în această producție

1K - Kompas

Sisteme de șine

Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla

Tipologie de cortine

Cortina cu deschidere italiana (fluture)

Tipologie de cortine

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

Falduri verticale

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

HLU - Lucilla print digital

Print material textil

Mascatura scena

Cortine acustice

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor