
Teatro Sociale of Como

Como (Italy)

The portal of the Teatro Sociale din Como has classically a draped valance, which exposes in the centre the emblem of the city, the curtain with Deschidere greacă, which uses an Atlas type manual Sisteme de sine, and the teaser.The theater has a historic curtain realized by the important Lombard scenographer and Alessandro Sanquirico (Milan 1777-1849), a pupil of Piermarini too.It represents the death of Plinio il Vecchio ...
Vezi toate
... during the eruption of Vesuvius that destroyed Pompei in 79 AD, he was born in Como in 23 AD.From the right, made of red velvet, a framed wing, the stage curtain and a proscenium wing.The six orders of wings and the backdrop of the Mascatura scena made of COS - Oscurante molton ...
... according to classic modalities (Chinga, Capse and Bride on the top, hems on the sides).It is composed by 18 parts: - 12 wings (six for every side) size 2,9 x h 9 m;- 5 borders 19 x h 2,9 m; - 1 backdrop 19 x h 10 m.The picture shows the 5% slope of the floor ...
... and the straight installation of the wings..In this moment only two tops out of five are installed, that is the two toward the end of the stage.The openings of the wings put in evidence the arches with the doors for the charge and discharge of the stage equipments, and on the top, the two catwalks.The Podul de scena is approximately 13,5 m high.
The stage of Teatro Sociale din Como is here photographed in October 2007, during the installation of the scenography by Emanuela Pischedda of Così fan tutte, directed by Mariano Dammacco.
The wings in the direction of the end of the stage, installed to frame the fundal din RTE - Temporale.
The same top masking in a view from the second catwalk in the direction of the cortina.
The back tops of the stage of the Teatro Sociale seen from the first catwalk of the stage.
Teatro Sociale este un teatru ''all'italiana'' cu the hall in the shape of a body of a violoncello, cu three tiers of boxes, two galleries, 850 seats.
The construction of the Teatro Sociale din Como was started in 1811 according to the neoclassical style project by architect Giuseppe Cusi, who was a collaborator of the architect Luigi Canonica, a pupil of Piermarini.
The same Canonica was called in 1812 to complete the works și drew the southern facade, now covered.
raising for the construction of the gallery și widening of the stalls
Leopoldo Rospini
New decoration
of the vault of the hall
Eleuterio Pagliano
Gaetano Spelluzzi
abolition of the boxes of the fourth order in the place of an unique gallery
reopening after the execution of important restoration works

Materiale utilizate în această producție

1A - Atlas

Sisteme de șine

3C - Frânghie Canapa


8LCA - Cantinella

Stangi pentru scenotehnică

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

Mascatura scena

Cortine acustice

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor