
Аудиторио-де-Тенерифе, ''Русалка''


On the stage the stagehands, coordinated by Jorge Cabrera, technical director of the Auditorio de Tenerife, are preparing the scene of the second act: The Prince's Palace.At the following link you can see an accelerated video summary of the assembly of the setting, at the end of which ...
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... the rehearsals with the singers will begin ...
... coordinated by director André Heller-Lopes.As always, although not yet finalised ...
... the lights transform apparently lifeless artefacts into what the set designer had planned.It's the moment of truth, the one in which you understand if the scene works ...
... and whether the director's expectations will be met.Renato Theobaldo, of the Brazilian artistic team led by André Heller-Lopes, has created the interior of a luxurious oriental palace with what appears to be an ordinary built Closed set ...
... and which instead the stage lights will transform into something absolutely magical.Its construction is based on 13 Flats made of EVA - Aurora с печатью voile 2.66 m wide and 8.16 m high.The perimeter of the backdrops was finished with WVE - Липучка to allow them to be fixed to appropriate Металлические рамы.
The preliminary rehearsals are over, the singers wear the costumes created by Marcelo Marques and have totally transformed into their characters.With the stage lights even the scenography takes the last step and becomes ...
... the enchanted palace in which Rusalka and the foreign Princess will compete for the Prince's love.The Flats get transformed in a dizzying maze of arabesques that the lights by Gonzalo Córdova transfigure into a luminous spell that envelops the action.
Опера в трёх действиях
Прага, Национальный театр, 31/3/1901

Renato Theobaldo
Marcelo Marques
Художник по свету
Gonzalo Córdova
Derek Pedrós
Декорационные мастерские
Dpto. Maquinaria y Atrezzo del Auditorio de Tenerife
Техническое руководство
Jorge Cabrera Ortiz
André Heller-Lopes

Аудиторио-де-Тенерифе Санта-Крус-де-Тенерифе

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