
Closed sets


Театр del Canguro, ''Пиноккио'' A cliché claims that Closed set is a scenographic modality belonging to the past or to modest realizations, and this one so was in the budget, since ...
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... it was puppet theater intended for a children's audience.However, together with the following stagings, it demonstrates the persistent vitality of the scheme, at any level, as long as there is no lack of ideas for using it.
Teatro Petruzzelli, ''Traviata'' Closed set created with interchangeable Flats covered alternatively with:- ASC - Sceno с печатью muslin (in the photo);- FTA - Tancredi 500 с печатью velvet;- QSF - Miroflex mirror plates.
Театр алла Скала, ''Девушка с Запада'' The Closed set equipped with Плафон with which the interior of Minnie's Log cabin was reproduced is photographed here in the Laboratorio scenografico del Teatro alla Scala at the end of its construction.It is an irregular parallelepiped with an artfully exaggerated perspective that ...
... once mounted on the stage, will be equipped with a fourth wall that will separate it from the hall.The public will be able to see the interior through a window with BGO - Gobelin tulle glasses, until the obstacle of the fourth wall ...
... will be eliminated.The Flats, the Плафон and the Closed set floor were coated with the PBL - Blackout с печатью vinyl film.Here the film has replaced the ASC - Sceno muslin due to the scenic need to let the red liquid that represents the blood flow along the walls and to clean them after each performance.
Аудиторио-де-Тенерифе, ''Сказки Гофмана'' Hemicyclic Closed set made with a backdrop and a Плафон made of ASC - Sceno с печатью muslin.
Description of the Closed set in a French stagecraft text:«The Closed set looks like a normal room. The whole scenography is framed. This scene limits the staging.»From the Traité d'aménagement des salles de spectacles by Georges Leblanc and Jacques Lomont, Ets. Louis Leblanc, Paris, 1939.
The Closed set is an interior scene closed on three sides, a scheme that lends itself to infinite variations and to the use of countless materials and construction techniques.
It is normally built by means of Flats connected to each other in a continuous way.
It can be completed by a Плафон.
One or more sides of the Closed set can be made of fabric or vinyl backdrops.
It can be equipped with a fourth variable transparency wall.

Этот материал использовался для...

Римский оперный театр, ''Фальстаф''


Театр Гаэтано Доницетти, ''Дон Паскуале''


Театр алла Скала, ''Девушка с Запада''


Театр алла Скала, ''Жанна д'Арк''


Театр алла Скала, ''Кавалер розы''


Театр сарсуэлы, ''La Generala''

Оперетта, сарсуэла, мюзикл

Театр de la Maestranza, ''Così fan tutte''


Театр del Canguro, ''Пиноккио''

Театр ''di figura''

Театр di Pisa, ''Paride ed Elena''


Театр Real, ''Волшебная флейта''


Театр Real, ''Дон Кихот''


Театр Regio di Torino, ''The Consul''


Nationale Opera & Ballet, ''Animal Farm''


Opéra Comédie, ''Орфей и Эвридика''


Teatro dell'Opera, ''Андре Шенье''


Teatro della Pergola, ''Воспоминания Адриана''


Teatro della Pergola, ''Отец''


Teatro Donizetti, ''Adelia''


Teatro Petruzzelli, ''Травиата''


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