
Театр Malibran, ''La scala di seta''


The seventeenth-century stage of the Teatro Malibran was covered with the black glossy TIL - Iris Lucido floor ...
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... while on the sides of the scene there are about twenty wings made with the rear-projection film RNB - Nebbia.The wings are 10 m high and have a width ranging from 1.2 to 2.7 m.They are mobile and they slide along a Kompas track system thanks to which they can widen or tighten the central opening.
The wings made of RNB - Nebbia film were decorated by a rectangle pattern ...

... and they are illuminated with different colours ranging from red, to blue, to white.
The wings made of RNB - Nebbia are backlit here, in this image one can also appreciate the semi-transparency of the film ...
... while this is a situation where they are lit from the front too.In the center, the background is closed by four other movable wings made with the changing 75. blue velvet FNA - Nabucco, the colour of which varies in tone and intensity depending on the lighting.The velvet wings are decorated by silver NBT - Ажурный бордюр and NFR - Бахрома.
Фарс в одном акте
Венеция, Teatro San Moisè, 9/5/1812

Fabio Carpene
Sofia Farnea
Художник по свету
Jovan Stankic
Техническое руководство
Massimo Checchetto
Bepi Morassi

Театр Ла Фениче, Венеция
Teatro Malibran, Венеция

Используемые материалы

1K - Kompas

Рельсовые системы

FNA - Nabucco

Декоративный велюр

NBT - Bordo traforato

Декоративные элементы

NFR - Бахрома

Декоративные элементы

RNB - Nebbia

Материалы для рир-проекции

TIL - Iris Lucido

Сценический линолеум

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