
Театр Данте Алигьери, ''Фальстаф''

Равенна (Италия)

No. 200 strips 15 cm wide and 8 m high made of silver BRL - Rexor tulle were disposed in way to make a Проходной задник.The result is an interlacement of mobile bands, at times translucent or reflecting ...
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... that creates a kind of forest for light and transparency effects that alternate or overlap to the rear-projections on the RNO - Notturno screen in the background.
The light games projected on the strips made of silver BRL - Rexor tulle (green and yellow tones) ...
... alternate with the transparencies of the rear-projections (blue and azure tones) that illuminate the screen in the background made of RNO - Notturno film, width 15 m and height 13 m.
Here, instead, the strips made of silver BRL - Rexor tulle collect the blue light that is diffused on the scene and they allow just to glimpse among the chinks the magenta rear-illumination that concerns, on the left, a part of the RNO - Notturno screen.
Front projections, on the sides, on three couples of Flats made of PNE - Nerissimo film.The wings can slide thanks to several Kompas track systems and they get more narrow going toward the background of the scene, where there is a perspective with trees that is rear-projected on the RNO - Notturno screen.The nighttime vision ...
... of Giuseppe Verdi's native house in Roncole of Busseto (Italy) is rear-projected on the RNO - Notturno screen. On the right, the marble bust of Verdi is frontally projected on one of the wings made of PNE - Nerissimo. The green leafy branches at the top are the effect of a frontal projection that interests both the RNO - Notturno screen and the PNE - Nerissimo wings.
Front projections on the PNE - Nerissimo wings and, in the middle, a rear-projection on the RNO - Notturno screen.The scenography shares the main part of the materials with those that were used for the scenography of Macbeth, demonstrating how direction, scenography and lights were able to use the same materials for the light and playful tones of comedy and for the dark and dramatic ones of tragedy ...
Лирическая комедия в трех актах
Милан, Театр алла Скала, 9/2/1893

Alessandro Lai
Художник по свету
Vincent Longuemare
Visual design
Davide Broccoli
Техническое руководство
Roberto Mazzavillani
Cristina Mazzavillani Muti

Совместное производство
фестиваль Равенна
Teatro del Giglio Лукка
Fondazione Teatri Пьяченца
Teatro dell'Opera Giocosa Савона
Fondazione Teatro Comunale Феррара
2013 / 2014

Используемые материалы

Проходной занавес

Типология занавеса

Экраны обратной проекции

Экраны обратной проекции

1K - Kompas

Рельсовые системы

BRL - Rexor

Тюль и сетки

PNE - Nerissimo

Плёнки для фронтальной проекции

RNO - Notturno

Материалы для рир-проекции

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