
ATS - Toscana

Тяжелый холст

ATS - Toscana 00. натуральный99. чёрный
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ATS - Toscana 00. натуральный
ATS - Toscana 99. чёрный
Аудиторио-де-Тенерифе, ''Сказки Гофмана'' The floor is made of painted ATS - Toscana canvas, 17 x 13 m.
Magazzini del sale, ''Plessi - Trilogy'' Detail of a small backdrop made of black ATS - Toscana canvas painted with a white text and worked with a dark grey dripping intervention to give it a less uniform and slightly aged appearance.The intervention was performed ...
... by the set designer Keiko Shiraishi, here towards the end of the process, who reproduced various sketches of the videoart pioneer Fabrizio Plessi on the black canvas backgrounds in the setting up of an exhibition dedicated to him ...
... at the Salt warehouses.The coarse grain of the ATS - Toscana canvas perfectly matches the rough setting with exposed bricks of the historic Venetian warehouses.
Аудиторио-де-Тенерифе, ''Вертер'' A big floor made of painted ATS - Toscana canvas 00. natural covers the floor of the stage.
ATS - Toscana is a plain-woven fire-retardant cotton canvas with a compact basketweave (double thread) weft.
It is made with a particularly large diameter yarn which gives it a thick texture and a distinctive appearance, with a very evident structure.
It has a very robust appearance which is reflected in its actual resistance.
It is mainly used for the realization of fabric stage floors, very often painted thanks to its marked suitability for painting, floors that can be scenographed and made textured through the application of other materials on their surface.
It is not uncommon to use it for the realization of backdrops with a particular rough and coarse effect, also to be backlit, and for the realization of stage curtains with a similar appearance.
Реакция на огонь
EN 13501-1 класс B s1 d0
EN 13773 класс 1
DIN 4102 класс B1
100% хлопок
400 г/м²
300 см
± 50 м
сложенная ткань
Доступные цвета
см. атлас цветов
Пользовательские цвета
минимальное количество, которое можно заказать ± 300 м

Подходит для росписи
Rating 5.0
Подходит для печати
Rating 4.0

на метр
в кусках/целых рулонах
на прилавке от ± 500 м
в виде готовых изделий на заказ

Атлас цветов

ATS - Toscana 00. натуральный99. чёрный

Этот материал использовался для...

Аудиторио-де-Тенерифе, ''Вертер''


Аудиторио-де-Тенерифе, ''Сказки Гофмана''


Театр алла Скала, ''Девушка с Запада''


Театр алла Скала, ''Идоменей''


Театр алла Скала, ''Teneke''


Театр наций, ''Сказки Пушкина''


Театр сарсуэлы, ''El niño judío''

Оперетта, сарсуэла, мюзикл

Фестиваль Моцарт, ''Царь-пастух''


C.N. de Teatro Clásico, ''Don Gil de las calzas verdes''


Sala San Luigi

Занавесы для разных залов

Suntory Hall, ''Любовный напиток''


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