
Serrat и Sabina, ''Dos pájaros de un tiro''

Тур 2007 Испания / Америка

The setting of the scene for the stage of the tour in Jerez de la Frontera.The audio towers were covered with white BGOP - Gobelin Teatro tulle, of which the staging also used a 20 x 9 m black backdrop.The assembly continues ...
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... with the installation of the wings and the tops of the Кабинет (кулисы и падуги) made of COS - Oscurante molton.Once the stage lights will be raised, the stagehands will install the masking …
... of five LED screens made of Set pieces covered with grey LWE - Windel elastic fabric.Here the four wedge-shaped vertical bodies that vertically separate the screens are mounted.On the sides of the scene, horizontal stripes were stretched, made again of grey LWE - Windel ...
... that cross other vertical strips of the same fabric installed more externally.On the ground one can see the TSM - Silviagrips dance floor used on the grey side.During the concert ...
... if the LWE - Windel is illuminated with neutral light, it retains its grey colour.If it is instead illuminated with chromatic light ...
... it obviously assumes the colour of light.The choice of grey instead of white ...
... is due to the need to reflect the lights on the surface of the fabrics with a slightly dampened effect.Production designers Miguel Brayda and Oscar Gallardo used nearly seventy custom-made fabric parts.
Ten strips of grey LWE - Windel similar to the side ones were installed horizontally ...

исполнительное руководство
Berry Producciones
Miguel Brayda
Oscar Gallardo
Художник по свету

Один из самых успешных музыкальных туров всех времен в Испании и Латинской Америке: он прошел по 9 странам 71 концертом и собрал в общей сложности около миллиона зрителей.

Используемые материалы

Кабинет (кулисы и падуги)

Акустические фоны

BGOP - Gobelin Teatro

Тюль и сетки

COS - Oscurante

Затемняющие материалы

LWE - Windel

Эластичные материалы

TSM - Silviagrips

Танцевальные покрытия

WPE - Perofix


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