
Auditorio de Tenerife, ''Werther''

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The foliage of the trees is made by means of two Half portals made of ASC - Sceno digital printing muslin, the fabric was cut out and fixed to a black USC - Nylonet.A big canvas made of painted ATS - Toscana canvas, natural colour ...
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... covers the floor of the stage.The walls of the house on the right were made with Set pieces covered in painted ASC600S - Sceno 620 cm muslin.The stylized rural landscape in the background of the scene ...
... is obtained with a Rear-projection screen RAR - Arizona.

The walls of this Closed set were by means of large Flats covered with painted white ASC600S - Sceno 620 cm muslin ...
... as well as those of this second smaller closed set.The floor is made of painted ATS - Toscana canvas.
The Stage masking made of black COS - Oscurante molton highlights a night snowfall simulated with QNS - Bianca synthetic snow.
Drame lyrique in four acts
Jules Massenet (1842-1912)
First night:
Vienna, Hofoper, 16/2/1892

Monica Bernardi
Costume design
Lorena Marin
Light design
Miguel Ponce
Scenographical workshop
Dpto. Maquinaria y Atrezzo del Auditorio de Tenerife
Technical direction
Jorge Cabrera Ortiz
Stage direction
Giorgia Guerra

Auditorio de Tenerife of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Materials used in this production

ASC - Sceno

Muslin and canvas

ATS - Toscana

Muslin and canvas

COS - Oscurante

Duvetyne and blackout fabrics

QNS - Bianca

Decorative materials

RAR - Arizona

Rear-projection films

Rear-projection screens

Rear-projection screens

Stage maskings

Acoustic curtains

Ultrawide Ecoprint

Printing on fabrics

USC - Nylonet

Stage nets

Information on data processing