
Teatro Verdi, ''The Corsair''


Layout and section of the scenography designed by Pier Paolo Bisleri, which foresees a big hemicycle wall made of two parts and suspended to a Laser track system. The rail has a length of 24 m and is bent with a radius of 7 m.The configurations of the track is with Central opening single rail - manual without cable.
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Each of the two halves of the wall is suspended to four 1L MQ - Dragging carriers for scenes with 10 wheels with a 300 kg capacity.
Frontal projections on the hemicycle that ...
... by means of the Laser rail system opens its two halves ...
... onto a Rear-projection screen made with the film RAR - Arizona, which receives here a part of the front projection ...
... while here the front projection is off and two characters appear in retropojection ...
... on the RAR - Arizona screen, which is filtered by a backdrop made of black BGO - Gobelin tulle.The Rear-projection screen during the show exhibits numerous symbolic subjects, in this case some eyes ...
... or, in this photograph. a stylization of the sun, the moon and a cross.The two large hemicyclic wings receive blue chromatic illumination ...
Tragic melodrama in three acts
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
First night
Trieste, Teatro Grande, 25/10/1848

Pier Paolo Bisleri
Costume design
Giuseppe Palella
Scenographic workshop direction
Giampiero Ferlan (1948-2014)
Video contributions
Antonio Giacomin
after images by Franco Fortunato
Light design
Iuraj Saleri
Stage direction

Théâtre de l'Opéra of Monte Carlo

Materials used in this production

BGO - Gobelin

Scrim and bobbinet fabrics

Flat making

Fabric: tailoring types

RAR - Arizona

Rear-projection films

Rear-projection screens

Rear-projection screens

Information on data processing