
Teatro alla Scala, ''Teneke''


The scene is made up of a large inclined plane which, proceeding towards the darkness of the horizon, breaks into five steps, almost terraces which allow access and passage for the actors.The action narrated by the Turkish writer Yaşar Kemal takes place in the 1950s among the peasants of Anatolia ...
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... but the universality of the metaphor would allow its transposition into any modern-day setting.Teneke tells of the forced introduction of rice cultivation, much more profitable than traditional ones but bringing malaria and death, which shocks a community of peasants in Turkish Anatolia.The arrogance of power, thanks to tricks and corruption ...
... will prevail over the resistance of the peasants, whose lands will be flooded and whose lives will be invaded by mud, mosquitoes and malarial fevers.The story is intertwined with the personal one of the kaimakam (provincial governor) Fikret Irmaklï, a young man in his first position who will not be able to oppose in any way ...
... to the arrogance of unscrupulous rice producers who will obtain a monopoly on the territory to the detriment of the peasants.
In the scene, dominated by the nocturnal reflections on the TST - Silviastar floor, a corrupt guard has opened a sluice causing the water to pour into the fields, while the lower part is invaded by mud, skillfully created with appropriately processed AJT - Hessian jute.
Evident and interesting, from a scenographic point of view, is the contrast between raw and natural materials, such as AJT - Hessian jute and ATS - Toscana canvas, and an artificial and shiny material such as the TST - Silviastar floor, with often cold and disturbing reflections ...
... with which the steps were covered in a way that was anything but aseptic, because it was laid roughly, in crumpled squares, in order to represent the reflection of the rice fields without poetry, almost with harshness.
The contrast between the water of the rice fields, which Arnaldo Pomodoro has stylized with the TST - Silviastar mirror floor ...
Opera in three acts
First night
Milan, Teatro alla Scala, 22/9/2007

costume design
Stage direction
Ermanno Olmi (1931-2018)


The action narrated by the Turkish writer Yaşar Kemal take place in the '50 among the peasants of Anatolia, but the universality of the metaphor would allow the its transposition in any location of our days.

Materials used in this production

AJT - Hessian


ARI - Reps Ignitex

Muslin and canvas

Arnaldo Pomodoro

Some Masters

ASC - Sceno

Muslin and canvas

ATS - Toscana

Muslin and canvas

COT - Oscurante Teatro

Duvetyne and blackout fabrics

GGI - Siria


Rear-illuminated backdrops

Vinyl backdrops: typologies

RTE - Temporale

Rear-projection films

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