Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine The first funds' signature to equip the city of Udine with a new great theater, to side the historical Teatro Sociale (then Teatro Puccini), goes up to 1905.
The first yard, inaugurated in 1914, was unfortunately closed not later than one year because of the beginning of the Great War, starting such a series of vicissitudes to make admirable the efforts that administrations and citizens devoted to the construction of their theater.
The Teatro Puccini, already victim of a fire to beginning century, was demolished at the end of the Years '50 without Udine was still endowed with a suitable building, while the Teatro Nuovo, devoted to Giovanni da Udine (1487-1564), the great painter and architect, already a student of Giorgione and Rafael, was finally completed in 1997.
Giuliano Parmegiani (1926-2017)
Lorenzo Giacomuzzi Moore