
Teatro San Carlo, ''Tristan und Isolde''


The bow divided into two parts of the gigantic boat is the symbol of the separation between the two protagonists.The cloudy sky is a video projection on a Rear-projection screen made with the RTE - Temporale film.The sea background is an inclined plane built with a wooden structure covered ...
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... with the reflective film QSK - Retrafilm suitably folded.The semitransparent curtains were made of white HSE - Tempesta silk, while the black EVT - Light Sceno Poly voile was stretched on the light black metal frame ...
... which represents a transparent wall The sea made with QSK - Retrafilm ...

... was illuminated by rays of light with circular motion.The sea background thus came to life to the point of providing an extraordinary illusion of water movement.Ezio Frigerio, one of the greatest Italian scenographers of the twentieth century ...
The bow divided into two parts of the gigantic boat is the symbol of the separation between the two protagonists.The cloudy sky is a video projection on a Rear-projection screen made with the RTE - Temporale film.The sea background is an inclined plane built with a wooden structure covered ...
... used a similar sea background, again made of QSK - Retrafilm, but worked in a slightly different way, for the almost contemporary staging of the Teatro Massimo, ''I Vespri siciliani''.
Action in three acts
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Richard Wagner
First night

Ezio Frigerio (1930-2022)
Costume design
Technical direction
Stage direction

2004 / 2005

Materials used in this production

BGO - Gobelin

Scrim and bobbinet fabrics

EVT - Light Sceno Poly

Sheer muslin

Ezio Frigerio

Some Masters

HSE - Tempesta

Silks and satins

QSK - Retrafilm

Mirroring materials

RTE - Temporale

Rear-projection films

Information on data processing