
EVT - Light Sceno Poly printat digital

Muselina ușoară din poliester

EVT - Light Sceno Poly printat digital The fabric can be used with different degrees of transparency ...
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... or opaqueness to light depending on the way it is illuminated.It thus lends itself to a use of lighting that highlights the digital print with which it can be decorated or makes it fade into the background or even almost disappear.
Teatro Principal, ''El mágico prodigioso'' The sketch of a semi-transparent backdrop made of EVT - Light Sceno Poly printat digital.It will be used by Ana Garay to create a wonderful scenographic allegory of nightfall in which the backdrop ...

... will first be suspended in front of a twilight landscape like a Cortina cu deschidere prin pliere pe spate, illuminated from the front to symbolize the looming darkness, and then lowered in front of ...
... the sun setting on the horizon, which creates an orange backlight and makes the fabric transparent, highlighting the silhouette of the devil astride the pylon.The lower part of the backdrop is illuminated from the side and is therefore less transparent, while the quarter moon and the spots of light that simulate the twinkling of other stars ...
... that are added to the printed ones, are produced by a frontal projection.The increased frontal illumination makes the star motif of the print more visible here, although Juan Gómez-Cornejo creates a backlight that keeps visible the silhouette of the devil descending into the underworld.
Este versiunea de imprimare digitală a muselinei din poliester EVT - Light Sceno Poly.
Reacția la foc
ignifug permanent
EN 13773 clasa 1
UNI 9177 clasa 1
100% trevira CS
130 g/m²

Metoda de imprimare
Lățime imprimabilă
330 cm
Lățimea utilizabilă în confecționare
326 cm

comandă minimă 50 m²

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Teatro Principal, ''El mágico prodigioso''


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