
Teatro Lope de Vega, ''The Lion King''


The installation of a decorative Plafon made of ARI - Reps Ignitex fabric at the entrance to the theater.With its colour and its making, it has the task of preparing spectators for the atmosphere of the show.It was made with confectionare fără falduri, it has a width 50% greater than the installation width ...
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... and it was equipped with three pockets in which three Top battens have been inserted.Before taking it to the right height, the installers gathered the fabric ...
... in a free and approximate way along the three battens.The result obtained is that of a rather irregular falduri verticale ...

... which gives the ceiling the rather artisanal appearance ...
The installation of a decorative Plafon made of ARI - Reps Ignitex fabric at the entrance to the theater.With its colour and its making, it has the task of preparing spectators for the atmosphere of the show.It was made with confectionare fără falduri, it has a width 50% greater than the installation width ...
... desired by the set designer.
Prima reprezentatie (în Spania)
Madrid, Teatro Lope de Vega, 20/10/2011

Directia scenica

2011 / 2024

Materiale utilizate în această producție

ARI - Reps Ignitex

Stofe / panze

Falduri verticale

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare


Rame pentru scenotehnică


Stangi pentru scenotehnică

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