


The set-up is underway, the barber shop is being false ceilinged with Plafoane made of golden QSP - Mirofilm.The film was stretched with great skill by the fitter on special metal frames and the panels thus obtained are mounted with luminous separation lines made of LED strips.Even the mirrors on the walls ...
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... are framed by frames covered with the same gold mirror film.The contrast between the white of the marble ...
... and the gold of the mirror panels creates a particularly luxurious atmosphere.The shop setup is almost finished and ...

... while the furnishings that complete it are positioned, some photographs are taken ...
... to document the result of the work.The barbershop is almost ready to welcome the first customers ...
... in a totally renovated environment.In complete safety, because the Plafoane made of QSP - Mirofilm are very light and are glassless mirrors which, in the event of breakage, won't hurt anyone.
The Polish company Sufmar Group is specialized in making and install false ceilings made of stretched vinyl films.
The images illustrate the final stages of the setting up a luxury barbershop which used Plafoane and frames made of golden QSP - Mirofilm.

Materiale utilizate în această producție


Rame pentru scenotehnică

QSP - Mirofilm

Materiale cu reflexii de oglindă

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor