
Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber


The historical and emblematic hall, symbol of Milanese popular culture, was reopened to the public on 18 December 2021 after more than twenty years of closure.The complex completion and furnishing works were supported and conducted by Stage Entertainment in a record time of eight weeks.Although deeply renewed in materials and technical equipment ...
Vezi toate
... the hall retains the layout and the lines of the reconstruction of 1938, with the wide and deep gallery and the characteristic triple balcony.Born in the 17th century as an opera house for the people, the building gradually acquired an increasingly eclectic vocation.Over time, opera and ballet were joined ...
... by prose, operetta, cinema were added (in 1914 it even hosted the world premiere of Cabiria, a movie considered the first colossal in history).And, from the second post-war period, the musical avant-garde, pop and rock music, songwriting, dialectal and goliardic music, cabaret.In the period of Italian economic miracle the Lirico acquired ...
... a fundamental cultural role, its stage welcomed authors and performers who contributed to shaping the contemporary artistic and entertainment forms of those years, often having a markedly (and proudly) local stamp, albeit also nourished by the talent of the sons of immigrants, who in their turn became Milanese.In those years, it played a vast and influential multifaceted role on the culture of the city ...
... becoming an irreplaceable and unforgettable reference in the hearts of citizens, as long as the names of the artists who performed there remained, and it is no coincidence if today it bears the name of Giorgio Gaber.Within these walls, on the evening of November 23rd, 1960, the episode narrated in Teatro dell'Opera din Roma, ''Un roman pe Marte'''' took place.Although not entirely straightforward and uplifting ...
... the event helps to make people understand what Lirico was for the people of Milan: in addition to everything else, even the bell tower of parochialism of the Lombard metropolis.The Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla measures 15 x h 8.9 m and is made of red FTA - Tancredi 500 velvet with 100% falduri verticale.Here it is photographed ...
... during an opening test at the end of the installation.Decorated with NFR - Franjuri and NBT - Accesorii decorative, it is lined in HSV - Trevi satin ...
... and it is completed by a valance measuring 15 x h 2 m.«The first month of activity confirmed the response we were waiting for», says Armando Vertullo of Stage Entertainment, technical director of Teatro Lirico, about the acoustics of the hall.«The reflection is rather dry, therefore more suited to rock and pop music than to opera, but that's what we wanted and what we believe is useful for a hall with this setting, so we are very satisfied.»
Equipped with stalls, gallery and three balconies, the hall of the Teatro Lirico ''Giorgio Gaber'' has a capacity of 1,537 seats.
Its story begins in 1776, when a fire destroyed the Teatro Regio Ducale e and work began on the two theatrical buildings that would replace it, both designed by the imperial regio architetto Giuseppe Piermarini.
The main one was the Teatro alla Scala, intended for nobles.
At the same time and equally central, but in the popular district of Bottonuto, was built the Teatro della Cannobiana, subsequently called Teatro Lirico.
The theater was reopened to the public at the end of 2021, after major restoration works started by the Municipality of Milan and completed by Stage Entertainment.
Construction work begins
Project: Giuseppe Piermarini
After promoting its restoration, the music publisher Edoardo Sonzogno, reopens the theater with the name of Teatro Lirico Internazionale
A serious fire irreparably damages the building
Project: Antonio Cassi Ramelli
The Municipality of Milan announces the restoration works, the theater is named after Giorgio Gaber
Project: Pasquale Mariani Orlandi
Acoustic design: Massimo Guazzotti
Project analysis and management: Gianni Utica
Stage Entertainment takes over the management of the theater and the direction of the renovation works

Video & Documentare

TRX motorized track test

Motorized traveler curtain test

Teatro Lirico ''Giorgio Gaber''

Materiale utilizate în această producție

1T - TRX

Sisteme de șine

2DR2 - MotorDR2

Motoare pentru sisteme de sine

2QEW - Panou de comanda W

Motoare pentru sisteme de sine

2RC - Kit radiocomanda C

Motoare pentru sisteme de sine

Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla

Tipologie de cortine

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

Falduri verticale

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

FTA - Tancredi 500


HSV - Trevi

Matase și satin

Mascatura scena

Cortine acustice

NBT - Bordo traforato

Franjuri și borduri decorative

NFR - Franjuri

Franjuri și borduri decorative

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor