
Stangi cu troliu cu manivelă


Stangi manuale cu troliu pentru Podul de scena Grid metalic pentru pod scena4N-CarrucolaNmultigola3A - Cablu de otel Ø 4 mm și Ø 6 mm1LCL-Collarea3fori7FX30-AmersPiatte2AMP-Piastra2AMM - Placă de perete2AM-ArganoM
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Stangi manuale cu troliu for Role de pod autoportantă The 4N - Scripetele N cu canale multiple are fixed to the supporting structure with special accessories.The load-bearing structure can be made with a specially designed metal structure or in Grinzi de aluminiu modules, usually with a square or rectangular section proportionate to the required capacity.
Stangi manuale cu troliu with ceiling fixing The 4N - Scripete N cu canale multiple are fixed to the ceiling with wall plugs.

2AM - Troliu cu manivelă M To secure the load:2AMP-Piastra2AMM - Wall plate8G 10G - Swivelling lifting eyeAt the end of the lifting, the two lifting eyes are connected with a safety chain equipped with WMR - Carabine cu siguranta links.
2AW - Troliu cu manivelă W It does not require securing the load at the end of the lifting because it is equipped with a double safety brake system.
Studio Foce Example of Stangi manuale cu troliu for Role de pod autoportantă made with 7QX30 - Grinzi cu sectiune patrata 29 cm using:- 2AM - Troliu cu manivelă MAlso visible are the Stangi manuale without winch for Role de pod autoportantă using:- Mantegno- black 3E - Franghie Poly
The Stangi manuale cu troliu are usually used for lifting loads higher than those of Stangi manuale and for which the lifting speed is not important, for example for the trusses of the stage lights.
They are used both with Role de pod fixe systems and with Podul de scena systems, above all for their economy compared to the Stangi electrice cu role de pod and the Stangi electrice.
Due to the importance of the load they use steel cables and metal trusses, usually Grinzi de aluminiu.
Main items
Load distribution bars
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