
Teatro Donizetti, ''L'ange de Nisida''

Bergamo (Italy)

Sketch by Angelo Sala for a scene from L'ange de Nisida.Donizetti completed the sheet music of the opera in 1839, but that was never presented to the public due to the failure of the people who commissioned it and its traces went lost.The thousands of pages on the ground are copies ...
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... of Donizetti's handwritten score, that was found almost two centuries later at the Bibliothèque nationale de France by musicologist Candida Mantica.The opera was staged for the first time at the Royal Opera House of London in 2018.The staging by Francesco Micheli and Angelo Sala ...
... took the opportunity of the renovation of the Teatro Gaetano Donizetti to overturn the classic layout of the teatro all'italiana, where the space traditionally reserved for representation is the stage.Taking advantage of the absence of the theater seats ...
... the stalls were used to carry out the action, while the audience that was supposed to occupy it was placed on a grandstand set up on the stage in front of which ...
... Donizetti's bust symbolically attends the first Italian representation of the opera, staged by the theater of his hometown that since 2014 is working thanks to the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti.To complete the reworking of the theatrical spaces ...
... the choir was arranged in the fourth order of boxes.The setting, already extremely original, was also really suggestive because of the amplification of the space, that was produced ...
... by the neoclassical trompe-l'Âœil that decorates the ceiling of the hall.And by the mirroring effect of the TST - Silviastar floor with which the flooring of the stalls was covered ...
... that the lighting designer Alessandro Andreoli used as a reflective surface.
Opera semiseria în patru acte
Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
Prima reprezentatie
Londra, Royal Opera House, 18/7/2018

Angelo Sala
Margherita Baldoni
Light design
Alessandro Andreoli
Directia scenica


Materiale utilizate în această producție

Fundaluri cu iluminare spate

Fundaluri din folie de vinil: tipologii

RAR - Arizona

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