
Teatro Paulo Autran, ''Garrincha''

São Paulo

Prologue Robert Wilson's street opera begins in Pau Grande, a village near Rio de Janeiro where Mané Garrincha, the legendary Brazilian footballer, was born in 1933.At the window, the narrator who will illustrate the his life to the spectators.The background of the scene is a Ciclorama cu iluminare spate ...
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... made with the film RNV - Nevada.The scenography and lighting system of the show will use it to backlight the scene with a wide range of colors, some of them very vibrant.
The Cotton Factory At 14, Garrincha started working in a textile factory whose interior is displayed in this scene ...
... with a grey BSU - Super Gobelin tulle.The texture of a brick wall has been painted on the tulle, which is sent against the light by the RNV - Nevada backdrop together with the yarn bobbins and the machinery bullwheels.In the tulle, at the top, openings have been cut out to which the frames of the small windows have been fixed, creating an accentuated contrast between the sun in the open air ...
... and the gloomy interior of the factory.The objects and the characters, however, come alive as soon as they are touched by a ray of light and the grid of the bricks, painted in white against the grey background of the tulle, becomes much more evident.Little boy Garrincha was not a diligent worker ...
Barefoot Football ... because he lived according to the football matches he played in the street, barefoot, with his peers.Garrincha was born with various physical problems.He was limping, having crooked legs and one shorter than the other, his spine was deformed ...
... and his pelvis was out of balance to the point that a doctor forbade him to play football and declared him invalid.As if that were not enough, since childhood he was initiated into alcoholism with the administration of cachaça, according to a local tradition that also involved his mates.Note how the whole scene is backlit by the RNV - Nevada backdrop ...
... with the exception of some symbolic elements.The seedlings on the bottom line (the sugar cane from which the cachaça is distilled?) indeed enjoy localized lighting.The goals of the football field are LED strips and the bottles of cachaça are illuminated from the inside.Garrincha kept his dedication to alcohol until his death ...
Prima reprezentatie
São Paulo, Teatro Paulo Autran, 23/4/2016

Direcția scenica, light design
Annick Lavallée-Benny
Carlos Soto

Change Performing Arts
SESC São Paulo

Materiale utilizate în această producție

1T - TRX

Sisteme de șine

BSU - Super Gobelin


Fundaluri cu iluminare spate

Fundaluri din folie de vinil: tipologii

NTL - Tripolina Lurex

Materiale pentru cortine franjurate

RNV - Nevada

Folii retroproiecție

USC - Nylonet

Plase scenografice

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