
HSH - Shelter Plus

Satin blackout

HSH - Shelter Plus 96. gri închis
HSH - Shelter Plus is a blackout fabric with a soft consistency which, in black, produces a total barrier to light (blackout), only light colours have an almost imperceptible degree of transparency (dimout).
It has two faces of identical appearance woven with legătură satin, to which a third black textile layer is interposed which has the purpose of decreasing transparency.
Being a fabric that has above all the latter purpose, combined with decorative features, it has limited photo-absorbing properties.
It is mainly used for curtains, backdrops and draperies that must produce a dimout effect, that is drastically limit the passage of light, which have the task of decorating and, thanks to its excellent acoustic properties, improve the reverberation.
HSS - Shelter is a lighter, cheaper and less performing version of this fabric.
Reacția la foc
ignifug permanent
EN 13773 clasa 1
UNI 9177 clasa 1
DIN 4102 clasa B1
BS 5867 Type B
NFPA 701 pass
Certificat OMI
100% polyester FR
430 g / m²
150 cm
± 50 m
Metoda de ambalare
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
cantitatea minima pentru comanda ± 400 m

Grad de opacitate
Rating 5.0
Grad de absorbtie a luminii
Rating 2.5

Absorbtia sunetului
Rating 4.5
Type G-100
100% fullness
ISO 11654 rating
Weighted sound absorption coefficient: αw = 0.90 (MH)
Sound absorption class: A

ASTM C423 rating
Noise Reduction Coefficient: NRC = 0.80
Sound Absorption Average: SAA = 0.83

în role întregi
în realizări la comandă

Graficul de culoare

HSH - Shelter Plus 14. bej deschis15. bej81. alune85. maro
HSH - Shelter Plus 93. gri foarte deschis94. gri deschis95. gri96. gri închis99. negru
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