
Teatro Regio di Torino, ''Salome''


The photographic image that Radu Boruzescu și Robert Carsen chose for the digital reproductie in a big dimensiune on a Print digital pe fundal cu iluminare spate.
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Radu Boruzescu asked the reproduction of the picture on a big Print digital pe fundal cu iluminare spate to be realized with a width of 20 m and with the unusual height of 22,5 m.The high resolution photographic image was therefore divided in ten printing strips with a width of 200 cm to be assembled with Sudura fără suprapozare.The material that was chosen was the film for rear-projection RNV - Nevada.
A photo of the show in which the Print digital pe fundal cu iluminare spate, on the stage of the Teatro Regio, appears in no more than the half of its lăţime.It's to be noticed as the retro-iluminare facilitate the photochromatic adjustment of the fundal și confers to it an unusual effect of depth.
Drama intr-un act
Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
Hedwig Lachmann
dupa omonimul poem by Oscar Wilde
Prima reprezentatie
Dresden, Königliches Opernhaus, 9/12/1905

Miruna Boruzescu
Directia tehnica
Saverio Santoliquido
Directia scenica

Teatro Regio of Turin

Materiale utilizate în această producție

Print digital pe fundaluri luminat din spate

RNV - Nevada

Folii retroproiecție

RNV - Nevada print digital

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