
Theater Plauen-Zwickau, ''Die kleine Meerjungfrau''


Due to the temporary closure for renovation of the Gewandhaus Zwickau, main location of the Theater Zwickau ...
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... the ballet was staged in the ballroom of the Zwickhaus Neue Welt, a building inaugurated in 1903 and a masterpiece of Jugendstil.The hall ...
... is here illuminated in a way that highlights its decorations, among which the gigantic caryatids stand out.As is evident in this image, the scene was not set up on the stage, but in the center of the hall where, with 9 strips of TST - Silviastar mirror dance floor ...
... the set designer Silvio Motta created a surface suitable for dancing, which reflected the evolutions of the dancers ...
... recalling the aquatic context in which the immortal events of Andersen's famous fairy tale take place.
The mirroring floor was fixed to the floor of the hall with the double-sided VBR - Bidi Tape ...
... while the VSL - Silvialux Tape was used on the joints of the floor strips.
Annett Göhre
Prima reprezentatie
Plauen, Theater Plauen-Zwickau, 30/11/2017

Silvio Motta
Video design
Silvio Motta
Davide Raiola

Theater Plauen-Zwickau of Plauen-Zwickau
2017 / 2018

Materiale utilizate în această producție

VBR - Bidi Tape

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VSL - Silvialux Tape

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