
Fundaluri Front & Back din textil

până la lăţime 12 m fără cusături

The canvas used for Fundaluri Front & Back din textil is soft and perfectly matte, it does not cause any reflections when illuminated from the frontIt's a special backlight fabric with a legătură pânzã closed weave, similar to ASC - Sceno but with a weight of 270 g/m2.
Vezi toate
Opéra Royal de Wallonie, ''Don Giovanni'' Fundal Night & Day din textil din ASC1220S - Sceno 1.200 cm, dimensiuni 16 x 11 m.Efectul de noapte ...
... și efect de zi.
The Fundaluri Front & Back din textil are scenographic backdrops printed with Print digital on both sides.
The same subject is printed on the front and back, strengthening the image in case of backlighting and allowing an identical view from the two observation sides.
Instead, by printing the same subject with daytime lighting on the front side and nighttime lighting on the back side, it is possible to alternate the day effect with the night effect, in which case the backdrops are called Fondaluri Night & Day din textil.
Printing method
Ultrawide Ecoprint with Printate digital Front & Back
Printing width
up to 12 m width without seams

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Opéra Royal de Wallonie, ''Don Giovanni''

Opera lirica

Ultra Wide Ecoprint

Print material textil

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor