
Fundaluri Night & Day din textil

până la lăţime 12 m fără cusături

The canvas used for Fondaluri Night & Day din textil is soft and perfectly matte, it does not cause any reflections when illuminated from the frontIt is a special backlight fabric with a legătură pânzã closed weave, similar to ASC - Sceno but with a weight of 270 g/m2.The subject to be printed must be photographed ...
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... with two perfectly coinciding and superimposable frames, one taken with daylight and the other with night light, preferably with lights on.The night subject is printed on the back side, while the day subject is printed on the front side.Once the backdrop has been installed, backlit and lowering the lighting on the front side, the subject printed on the back prevails over the front one.
Opéra Royal de Wallonie, ''Don Giovanni'' Fundal Night & Day din textil, size 16 x 11 m.The backdrop is illuminated here with daylight ...
... and here with night light.
The Fondaluri Night & Day din textil allow to alternate the day and night effect depending on the way in which they are illuminated.
The same subject is printed in Print digital on the front side with daylighting and on the back with nightlighting.
Printing method
Ultrawide Ecoprint with Print digitalFronteRetro
Printing width
up to 12 m width without seams

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Fundaluri Front & Back din textil

Print material textil

Opéra Royal de Wallonie, ''Don Giovanni''

Opera lirica

Ultra Wide Ecoprint

Print material textil

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor