
The Best Ever

Tour 2014 / 2015

While waiting for the start, the Cortina austriaca in HSV - Trevi 91. light grey shows the natural colour of the fabric.The hall lights dim ...
Vezi toate
... and the curtain comes to life, first with a slight chromatic backlighting from below ...
... soon completed by the front one from above, provided by the moving heads, which becomes increasingly brighter ...
... until the stage begins to populate.
The lighting designer will play into lightness for a couple of hours ...
... using the grey of the HSV - Trevi fabric as a palette in which to mix colours.
The Cortina austriaca was madeas follows:- size 14 x h 8 m- falduri orizontale 100%- falduri verticale 30%- 19 lifting points- 18 draped columns, width 78 cm each
«I sax spingevano a fondo,come ciclisti gregari in fuga ...e la canzone andava elegante,l'orchestra era partita, decollava decollava ...Quella musica continuava,era una canzone che diceva e non diceva ...»
Cortina austriaca din HSV - Trevi, 91. gri deschis

- size 14 x h 8 m
- falduri orizontale 100%
- falduri verticale 30%
- 19 lifting points
- 18 draped columns, latime 78 cm each

Materiale utilizate în această producție

Cortina cu deschidere austriaca

Tipologie de cortine

HSV - Trevi

Matase și satin

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor