
HRS - Satenix

Satin din poliéster

HRS - Satenix
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HRS - Satenix
HRS - Satenix Random creasing
Guidi Showroom Entrance passage of the Parisian showroom of Guidi built with three air cushions made with two layers of HRS - Satenix fabric.The pillows are kept inflated ...
... with the introduction of air, the thin and closed weft of the fabric allows it to be easily retained.
Baldomero Pestana Drapery made of HRS - Satenix with:- falduri verticale 100% - type 2.E - Perfect Wave Fullness- TRX track system
Cortina austriaca made of white HRS - Satenix.
HRS - Satenix
HRS - Satenix is a light but strong polyester fabric, with a rather translucent appearance, with a high tear resistance, which retains air and diffuses light.
These characteristics make it similar to the ASP - Spi ripstop fabric, of which it can somehow be considered an economic version.
Each of the listed properties is less performing than the original, but the value for money is still excellent because the HRS - Satenix costs about half.
Reacția la foc
ignifug permanent
EN 13501-1 clasa B s1 d0
UNI 9177 clasa 1
NFP 92-503 clasa M1
100% polyester
90 g/m²
300 cm
± 50 m
Metoda de ambalare
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HRS - Satenix 01. alb

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

''Baldomero Pestana''

Expoziții, arta și arhitectura

Showroom ''Guidi''

Spații comerciale.

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