
Locarno International Film Festival

Locarno (Elveția)

The instalare of the Practicabile motorizate.
Vezi toate
For the lifting of the Practicabile motorizate it was realized a special system endowed cu four motorized 7W - Picior telescopic pentru manipulare 6 modified și motorized in way to make them able to lift 500 kg each to a înălțime of 5,80 m.
The Practicabile motorizate is laying on the stage și it is used like a floor.

In case of rain, the Practicabile motorizate is lifted și it is used as a shelter in order to allow the prosecution of the show.
The instalare of the Practicabile motorizate.
In case of rain, the Practicabile motorizate is lifted și it is used as a shelter in order to allow the prosecution of the show.
Practicabile motorizate to be used like a shelter in case of rain during the Locarno International Film Festival.
Lifting înălțime
Greutate of the platform
7,20 x 3,60 m
5,80 m
560 kg

Peroni Systems

Video & Documentare

Motorized raising sheltering-platform

Materiale utilizate în această producție

7W - Picior telescopic pentru ridicare si suport grinzi aluminiu


Platforme la comanda

Practicabile cu picioare detasabile

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