
Sudura fără suprapozare


Sudura fără suprapozare is the most accurate system for joining vinyl film bands to manufacture:- Ecrane pentru proiecţie faţă- Ecrane retroproiecţie- Ciclorame cu iluminare spate- Light diffusers- Scenic and decorative backdrops
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Suduri fără suprapozare are almost invisible at an observation distance of a few metres.Avoiding the overlapping of the layers with the film for frontal projections is qualitatively very important to obtain planar and uniform projection surfaces ...
... but it becomes indispensable with film for rear projections, the backlighting makes the duplication of film layers visually unacceptable.

... but its visibility varies depending on the type of projection, frontal in this case in which the films RNV - Nevada, RAR - Arizona and RNO - Notturno are compared ...
Sudura fără suprapozare is the most accurate system for joining vinyl film bands to manufacture:- Ecrane pentru proiecţie faţă- Ecrane retroproiecţie- Ciclorame cu iluminare spate- Light diffusers- Scenic and decorative backdrops
... or rear projection, the materials are the same as the previous photograph.The visibility of the seam also depends on the pigmentation of the film, its thickness, its embossing and the brightness of the projection.

sudura la rece fara suprapunere permite unirea a doua folii astfel incat aceasta jonctiune este aproape invizibila de la distanta de cativa metri
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