
HSS - Shelter

Satin blackout

HSS - Shelter The colour 52. silver has an extraordinary appearance due to the simultaneous presence of the metallic effect ...
Vezi toate
... with the consistency and softness of dimout fabrics.The 52. silver is the only colour of HSS - Shelter ...
The colour 99. black has two equal faces, but it absorbs the light differently depending on its incidence ...
... and it can also be quite reflective.A characteristic that makes it suitable, more than for Mascatura scena, for the creation of almost blackout curtains endowed with a singular personality.
Teatru de Națiuni, ''Pushkin's Fairy Tales'' Cortina cu deschidere prin pliere pe față made of HSS - Shelter 05. dark grey realized with two tails made with confectionare fără falduri, size 8 x 8 m each.The sofa too ...
... is covered with capitonné work in HSS - Shelter 05. dark grey, which here appears lighter because it is hit by more powerful lighting.On the background, a Cortina cu deschidere tip fluture made of EVT - Light Sceno Poly 93. grey with falduri verticale 100%, size 15 x h 7,5 m.
HSS - Shelter 02 sky-albastru gri03 gri deschis04 gri 05 gri
HSS - Shelter is a dimout fabric with a soft consistency which, in black, produces a total barrier to light, a property that diminishes while moving to lighter colours, while maintaining relevance.
It has two faces of identical appearance woven with legătură satin, to which a third black textile layer is interposed which has the purpose of decreasing transparency.
Being a fabric that has above all the latter purpose, combined with decorative features, it has limited photo-absorbing properties.
It is mainly used for curtains, backdrops and draperies that must produce a blackout effect or, in any case, limit the passage of light, which have the task of decorating and, thanks to its good acoustic properties, improve the reverberation.
HSH - Shelter Plus is a heavier and more performing version of this fabric.
Reacția la foc
ignifug permanent
UNI 9177 clasa 1
EN 13773 clasa 1
Oeko-Tex® Standard 100
100% polyester
260 g/m²
300 cm
± 30 m
Metoda de ambalare
pliat în jumătate și rulat
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
cantitatea minima pentru comanda ± 400 m

Grad de opacitate
Rating 5.0 negru
Rating 4.5 la culori inchise
Rating 4.0 la culori deschise
Grad de absorbtie a luminii
Rating 2.5
Absorbtia sunetului
Rating 3.0
Bariera fonica
Rating 2.0

Acoustic absorption
Rating 3.0
Type G-150
ISO 11654 rating
Weighted sound absorption coefficient: αw = 0.70 (H)
Sound absorption class: C

prin metru
în role întregi
în realizări la comandă

Graficul de culoare

HSS - Shelter 07. ecru08. bej 09. alun*10. maro* 11. maro închis*12. ars maroniu*52. argint* comandă minimă ± 30 m
HSS - Shelter 13. galben auriu*14. muștariu*15. portocaliu*16. portocaliu închis*30. ruby31. roșu portocaliu*41. galben deschis** comandă minimă ± 30 m
HSS - Shelter 17. caramiziu*18. violet*19. roz*20. roz închis*26. gri - albastru deschis27. albastru bleu ciel*28. albastru*29. albastru închis* comandă minimă ± 30 m
HSS - Shelter 02. albastru-gri*03. gri deschis*04. gri 05. gri închis23. verde fistic*24. verde inchis25. verde*99. negru* comandă minimă ± 30 m

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Teatru de Națiuni, ''Pushkin's Fairy Tales''


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