
Intrunirea unei firme de masini, prezentare


The stage of the theater of the Hotel Auditorium of Madrid according to the project byAvance Producciones.A Mascatura scena made of COS - Oscurante molton frames a Ecrane pentru proiecţie faţă realized with the film PBO - Bianco Ottico and a thread curtain realized with white NTR - Tripolina.
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A simulation 3D of the stage that underlines the two big triangular sails to be realized with white ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin.The longest side of the sails measures 21 m and the vertical one 8,5 m.
The 3D simulation underline as the thread curtain made of NTR - Tripolina is separated in three parts set on three different levels.The big sails made of white ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin have to be painted, according to the project, by a projection of red light with the mark of the auto firm.
The assemblage of the stage.The thread backdrops of NTR - Tripolina have already been installed.The stage masking is in progress of installation, while it is in preparation the screen made of PBO - Bianco Ottico too.
The ecran și the negru stage masking are lifted.
It begins the installation of the sails made of ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin too.
The sails are lifted.
The tests of proiecție on the ecran și the tests of illumination of the NTR - Tripolina.
The stage of the theater of the Hotel Auditórium of Madrid was equipped cu a Ecrane pentru proiecţie faţă și a thread cortina din alb NTR - Tripolina that allows to the cars to enter the stage crossing it.

Two big triangular sails din ASC - Sceno alb cu confectionare fără falduri, but coloured by lumină roșu, converge from the stalls toward the stage, focusing the attention toward the scene.

Watch the pictures of the reception prepared in the hotel: Intrunirea unei firme de masini, receptia.
and realization
Phileas Productions

Materiale utilizate în această producție

ASC - Sceno

Stofe / panze

Cortine din franjuri Tripolina

Fundaluri pentru proiecție / transparente

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

Ecrane pentru proiecţie faţă

Ecrane pentru proiecție faţă

NTR - Tripolina

Materiale pentru cortine franjurate

PBO - Bianco Ottico

Folii proiecție faţă

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor