
Polyvalent Center of Brusaporto

Brusaporto (Italy)

The images describe a textbook example of installing a small stage in a building that is not equipped to host it.The front is entirely made of red FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet made up with 100% falduri verticale.
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One can notice:- the valance- the two pentagonal wings of the curtain- the skirt which masks the practicable platforms- the Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla.The curtain opens on a Mascatura scena ...
... made of grey COS - Oscurante molton.The supporting structure of the stage was built ...
The following were fixed to the front trellis by means of Tevi pentru scenotehnic round section, 8C50 - Cleme Ø 50 mm and metal brackets:the Top batten of the valance, a Cantinella that holds the teaser that masks ...
... the Kompas Sisteme de sine of the Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla and the track itself, fixed in a more rearward position by means of metal brackets.The velvet wings of the curtain are hung from the front truss and from two sloping Top battens.Below is visible one of the oblique battens ...
... from which the wings made of grey COS - Oscurante molton of the stage masking are suspended.The rope of the Deschidere greacă track of the curtain is kept taut by a counterweight.
The front truss of the structure made of 7QX30 - Grinzi cu sectiune patrata 29 cm supports, from the right:- the valance- the curtain wings- the track teaser- the track- the curtainand ...
... los focos delanteros del escenario .Los trusses laterales soportan...
In the Centro Polivalente of Brusaporto, town of the province in Bergamo, was installed a modular stage cu a portal 10 m wide that allows to use for theatrical diversions in a simple și rational way this public space.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

1K - Kompas

Sisteme de șine

6S - Practicabile Standard

Practicabile cu picioare tip foarfeca

7QX30 - Grinzi cu sectiune patrata 29 cm

Grinzi de aluminiu

8C50 - Clemă Ø 50 mm + piuliță M8

Accesorii pentru montaj

Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla

Tipologie de cortine

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

FMB - Macbeth 400


Fuste de scena

Accesorii pentru practicabile


Stangi pentru scenotehnică

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor