
NTR - Tripolina

Cortina din franjuri

NTR - Tripolina - 01. alb The yarn is extremely soft in order to get a perfect vertical drop of the threads.And it's polyester, so it's very sturdy and inherently flame retardant.
Vezi toate
NTR - Tripolina - 07. gri deschis Ezio Antonelli, scenic and visual designer of Ravenna Festival, ''Pietra di diaspro'', describes the material in an interview with Sound&Lite, No. 68:«They are long thin threads, with a very soft drop, that reflect well the light of projections ...»
«... and create a sort of semi-transparent screen, like a tulle, but which can be crossed by the actors.»În fotografie: NTR - Tripolina 08. antracit.
NTR - Tripolina 07. gri deschis08. antracit
NTR - Tripolina - 99. black 1 - WVE - Velcro (arici) loop 3 cm, the standard2 - WRI - Ruflette, to be hung with WGA - Cârlige M - 3A third finish with sewn-in WLA - Bride is used especially with TRX type of sisteme de șine.
NTR - Tripolina - 01. alb WRI - Ruflette finishing.
Lighting tests on two backdrops made of white NTR - Tripolina.The way of interacting with the light and the projections of the Cortine din franjuri Tripolina, if the original striped effect is skipped ...
... is similar to that of the tulle for scenography.The illumination of the subjects that stand behind the backdrops cause their vision in transparency through two or more backdrops.The white colour, thanks also to the strong reflective properties of the yarn, takes with extreme ease ...
Reacția la foc
ignifug permanent
EN 13773 clasa B s1 d0
UNI 9177 clasa 1
100% polyester
300 g/m²
módulos de la 210 cm
de la 2,5 la 6,5 m în trepte de 0,5 m
de la 7,0 la 10 m în trepte de 1 m
la cerere înălțimi de până la 25 m
Attention: modules with a height greater than 9 m are sold with a slightly higher height and must be trimmed at the time of installation
Finisare superioară
WVE - Velcro (arici) bucle 30 mm (velcro cârlig nu este inclus)
la cerere WLA - Bride sau WRI - Ruflette
Culorile disponibile
mostrele de culoare
Culori personalizate
nu sunt disponibile

contra luminii
Rating 4.5
Efect de opacizare
cu lumina frontala
Rating 4.5
Proiecţie faţă
Rating 5.0 alb
Rating 3.5 gri
Rating 2.0 negru
Rating 4.0 alb
Rating 2.5 gri
Rating 1.0 negru

in numar de segmente
în realizări la comandă ( Cortine din franjuri Tripolina )

Graficul de culoare

NTR - Tripolina 01. alb02. bej07. gri deschis08. antracit99. negru
NTR - Tripolina 05. roșu06. albastru09. verde

Video & Documentare

Chain curtain: test

Ravenna Festival, ''Pietra di diaspro''

Ravenna Festival, ''Pietra di diaspro''

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Claudio Baglioni, ''Q.P.G.A.''


Cortine din franjuri Tripolina

Fundaluri pentru proiecție / transparente

Intrunirea unei firme de masini, prezentare


Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, ''Lacul lebedelor''


Ravenna Festival, ''Pietra di diaspro''

Opera lirica

Sagunt a Escena, ''Bailando con Carmen''


Scena pentru evenimente


Stand Nanis Jewels

Spații comerciale.

Teatro Carlo Felice, ''Paiațe''

Opera lirica

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor