
Spacatimpan Ciass

Canton Ticino (Elveția)

The Spacatimpan Ciass unthread at the streets of Bellinzona during the 2010 Carnival.Their passage is opened by a symbol of the recalled sun using some plates of golden QSF - Miroflex, that were shaped and deformed with the employment of hot air.
Vezi toate
Costumes realized with EVN - Voal Tango 9. blue, and golden ECL - Crepe Lame.The headgears edged by rays of sun have been realized with golden QSF - Miroflex.
The band lined up on the church square of the Collegiata of Bellinzona.
The Spacatimpan Ciass is a Guggenmusik musical band founded in Chiasso in 1986, and it is a fixed presence of the carnival demonstrations of Ticino, among which it detaches the Rabadan, the traditional and famous carnival of Bellinzona.
The band is formed by over of about forty brass performers, about ten percussionists and as many actors.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

ECL - Crepe Lamé

Țesături metalice

QSF - Miroflex

Materiale cu reflexii de oglindă

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