
Teatro Comunale, ''Salome''


A curtain with falduri concentrice made to be used with a Cortina cu deschidere tip fluture.The curtain, that is 14 m wide and 10,50 m high, was made of FTA - Tancredi 500 470. dark red velvet.The presence of the curtain at the center of the stage, with the lifting to the beginning and the descent at the conclusion of the action, emphasizes the anti-realistic theatricality of the interpretation ...
Vezi toate
... proposed by the direction and by the scenography of the opera.The palace of Herodes is symbolically represented with a couch and few furnishings, over that by the presence of the servitude and the watches. The characters, apart Salome that is covered alone veils of silk, white or red, they dress suits that are contemporary to the historical period corresponding to the first decades of life of the Bavarian composer.
The giant lens used for focusing the attention of the spectators on what happens to the center of the scene.
Salome orders to the guards to free the prophet Jochanaan (John the Baptist), that is extracted from the cistern in which he's kept prisoner.
The stylized floor din bordeaux marble, a work by the scenographer realizer of the laboratories of the Teatro Comunale Stefano Iannetta, cu the stratifications și the gigantic fissures that cross it, it is, together cu the big crimson cortina, the scenographical element that more characterizes the staging.
The irresistible attraction, also physical, of Salome for the prophet Jochanaan, that will result fatal to both of them, finds in the blood bordeaux background an aesthetical și meaningful position that assumes a rare effectiveness.
Refused by Jocahaan, Salome asks his head to Herodes și, in order to get it, she seduces her stepfather cu the biblical ''dance of the seven veils''.
Drama intr-un act
Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
Hedwig Lachmann
dupa omonimul poem by Oscar Wilde
Prima reprezentatie
Dresden, Königliches Opernhaus, 9/12/1905

Alessandro Camera
Light design
Daniele Naldi
Directia tehnica
Paolo Giacchero
Directia scenica

Teatro Comunale of Bologna

Materiale utilizate în această producție

Cortina cu deschidere tip ghilotina

Tipologie de cortine

Falduri concentrice

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

FTA - Tancredi 500


Fundaluri cu iluminare spate

Fundaluri din folie de vinil: tipologii

RAR - Arizona

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