
Teatrul La Fenice, ''Cavaleria rusticană''


The statement of the scenography is based on a fixed scene that introduces a desolate beach.The beach is bordered by rocks that stand out against the background of a Mediterranean sky which colours vary from blue with flashes of the sun on the horizon ...
Vezi toate
... to a dégradé grey ...
... and to the sunset.To make the sky Arnaldo Pomodoro used a Ciclorama cu iluminare spate made of RNV - Nevada film in the size of 38 m of width and 16 m of height.The cyclorama creates a bright background with variable colours against which ropes, hoists ...
... and ladders placed at the sides of the scene stand out.The characters in the choir will use them to lift a gigantic crucifix which is pulled from the ground, tearing it apart ...
... as if it came out of the bowels of the earth.The crucifix, that shows an iron, dark and oppressive aspect, it is a sculpture by Arnaldo Pomodoro that represents with an oppressive strength ...
... the ''Mala Pasqua'' (Bad Easter), the wish of bad luck that Santuzza turns to the unfaithful Turiddu.The symbolic power of the gigantic crucifix that dominates the life of the village in which Alfio, Turiddu and Santuzza live and, for extension, of whole Sicily ...
... is accented by the back-lighting on the RNV - Nevada Ciclorama cu iluminare spate.The crucifix, together with the subdued and black dressed women, it is also the symbol of a Sicily oppressed by the weight of a reactionary Catholicism ...
... from which it is not possible to get free.
Melodrama intr-un act
Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945)
Prima reprezentatie
Rome, Teatro Costanzi, 17/05/1890

Light design
Fabio Barettin
Directia tehnica
Massimo Checchetto
Directia scenica

Teatrul La Fenice de Veneția

Materiale utilizate în această producție

Arnaldo Pomodoro

Maestrii ai scenei

Fundaluri cu iluminare spate

Fundaluri din folie de vinil: tipologii

RNV - Nevada

Folii retroproiecție

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor