
Auditorium RAI


The engine, for this installation, was situated to the center of the 5P - Policinale screen.During installation ...
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... the screen structure was suspended to the points of suspension of the ceiling ...
... then it is lifted ...
... and the screen is inserted in a niche specially made in the ceiling ...
... to be then lowered for end-of-installation tests.The classical case in which the PMI - Bianco Ottico Perforato film is used is that in which the screen has to be installed in front of a sonorous source.
The microperforation of the Ecran pentru proiecţie fata will allow its use ...
... contemporarily to that of the organ in front of which if was installed.
The engine, for this installation, was situated to the center of the 5P - Policinale screen.During installation ...
5P - Policinale cu a projection ecran cu lăţime 10,80 m și înălțime 13,00 m din folie pentru proiecție faţă PMI - Bianco Ottico Perforato.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

5P - Policinale

Ecrane motorizate

Ecrane pentru proiecţie faţă

Ecrane pentru proiecție faţă

PMI - Bianco Ottico Perforato

Folii proiecție faţă

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