
Nunta Italiana


The interiors of two large garden gazebos with waterproof cover ...
Vezi toate
... have been furnished to host the celebrations of a wedding.
Everything is ready for the luxurious convivial reunion ...
... every detail has to compete to make it unforgettable to the participants.
The draped coverage manufactured with white EVT - Light Sceno Poly with falduri convergente.
The draped backdrops manufactured with falduri convergente for the coverages ...
... have a development, along the perimeter of the pavillons, of around 32 m.
The big impermeable coverages of two octagonal gazebos for garden of around 115 m² is been covered, in the inside, to substantially modify the aesthetics of the place, with some draped backdrops made of white EVT - Light Sceno Poly with falduri convergente.
The images, taken before the beginning of the celebrations, allow to appreciate the elegance of the result.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

EVT - Light Sceno Poly

Muselină ușoară

Falduri convergente

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare


Rame pentru scenotehnică

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor