
Teatro Comunale of Castello d'Argile

Castello dÂ’Argile (Italy)

The installation of the black Mascatura scena made of COS - Oscurante molton .The Mascatura scena is composed by 8 wings, 4 tops and a backdrop made with a classical way.The side sliding system of the backdrop was made with a Kompas manual track.
Vezi toate
The draperies of the hall were made of FBR - Bruxelles velvet of the same colour of the curtain and with 12. orange and of 13. yellow DMI - Moiré.

A view of the hall from the stage at the end of the instalare.
The stage at the end of the installation.
Some of the draperies of the hall made up of FBR - Bruxelles velvet.They use Mini rails.The colour of the velvet is on demand.
The theater, built thanks to the work and the means of the cooperative of the masons of Castello d'Argile, was inaugurated in 1907.
In 2004 it was restructured and the inside decoration were completely replaced.
The theater can entertain 156 people.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

1K - Kompas

Sisteme de șine

1M - Mini

Sisteme de șine

Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla

Tipologie de cortine

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

FBR - Bruxelles

·Limited fabrics·

Fuste de scena

Accesorii pentru practicabile

Mascatura scena

Cortine acustice

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor