The 3E - Franghie Poly is versatile and economical and it is used for Stangi manuale, for Sisteme de șine and for various other stagecraft applications, often resulting in the ideal compromise between price convenience and performance.
It is more extensible than 3C - Franghie de canepa, but this does not constitute a handicap if it is used in situations of permanent tension.
It is resistant to abrasion and external agents and it is available in various colours, thus facilitating the identification of each individual rope in fly facilities that use many hanging points.
Reacția la foc
nu este ignifugat
100% fiber of high tenacity polyester
formed by 16 strands cu fibre cores without junctions
Lungimea rolei
about 200 m
Culorile disponibile
vezi graficul de culori
Notă: sarcina de rupere este teoretică
în role întregi
ca accesoriu pentru creații la comandă