COT - Oscurante Teatro is a fabric with darkening and acoustic properties very similar to those of the
COS - Oscurante cloth.
It has a reason for being due to its inherently flame retardant polyester yarn composition, which makes it more stable over time and gives it fire reaction properties that resist water.
It is therefore more suitable, if not essential than the
COS - Oscurante, for outdoor use and in areas with a humid climate.
The strength of the polyester yarn also makes it suitable for
Mascatura scena intended for touring and rental.
It is plushy and matte only on the front, the reverse, where the
legătură diagonală with which it is woven is clearly visible, is therefore much more reflective.
Its use is not recommended, compared to
COS - Oscurante molton, where its characteristics of robustness and stability are not needed, because it has a lower degree of light absorption and it is more expensive.
Reacția la foc
ignifug permanent
UNI 9177 clasa 1
DIN 4102 clasa B1
NFP 92-503 clasa M1
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
cantitatea minima pentru comanda ± 500 m
Grad de absorbtie a luminii
Type G-1000
ISO 11654 rating
Weighted sound absorption coefficient:
αw =
Sound absorption class:
prin metru
în bucăți întregi
pe palete de ± 500 m
în realizări la comandă