

Practicabile cu picioare detasabile

Exemplu of enlargement of a small proscenium to be din platforms 6A - Practicabil Alta expressly shaped. The amplification, around 10 mwide și 3 m deep, can be dismantled in order to usethe pit of the orchestra.Estimated time for the staging: 45 minutes for two persons.
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Semicircular stage / proscenium cu a bigger dimensiune, lățime 12 m și around profunzime 7 m, to be built cu 6M - Practicabil platforms, amongst which 24 of the gauri rectangularestandard dimensiune of 100 x 200 cm și 2 of 100 x 100 cm.The ones underlined cu the culoare are the platforms of special prelucrarea, that is 4 gauri rectangulareplatforms, 4 triangular și 6 gauri trapezoidale.Estimated time for the staging of the whole structure: 2,5 hours of two people.
Special platforms allows the realization of stages cu complex shapes, for instance this amphitheater shape.An exemplu like that of the picture would ask for 20 gauri rectangulareplatforms 6A - Practicabil Alta cu a standard dimensiune of 100 x 200 cm.The platforms 6A - Practicabil Alta specially manufactured are 3 triangular și 9 gauri trapezoidale.Estimated time for the staging: less than 2,5 hours for two people.
Corner stage for events formed by 40 gauri rectangulareplatforms 6M - Practicabil cu standard dimensiune of cm 100 x 200 cm.The ramp of access foresees the use of 1 6M1 - Practicabile Mobile gauri patrate platform 100 x 100 cm, 6 gauri rectangulareplatforms of special manufacture, 2 facet și 19 gauri trapezoidale of small dimensiune.Estimated time for the staging: 3,5 hours of 2 people.
Palco cu gangway și valances din fabric.The project foresees the use of 19 gauri rectangulare 6P - Profis platforms of 200 x 100 cm și 2 platforms 6M4 - Practicabile Mobile triangular of 100 x 100 x 141 cm, a dimensiune standard.Estimated time for the staging: 1,5 hours for two people.
6A3 - Practicabile Altatriangular 100 x 100 x 100 cm
6A - Practicabil Altagauri trapezoidale - custom prelucrarea
6M1 - Practicabile Mobilegauri patrate 100 x 100 cm
The prelucrarea of custom modular platforms allows the realization of stages of any shape și dimension.

However the standard prelucrarea foresees gauri patrate, triangular, gauri rectangulare și gauri trapezoidale platforms of various dimensions.
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