
Teatro Real, ''Samson et Dalilah''


In the picture, the staging by Teatro Real of Madrid, during the opera season 1999.The Fundal cu iluminare spate was made of RTE - Temporale film.The walls on the sides of the scene are made of panels coated with the silver QSF - Miroflex mirror film.
Vezi toate
The risers of the steps are made of silver QSF - Miroflex.The floor of the stage is covered with grey and black TSM - Silviagrips dance floor.The columns, made of polystyrene, were covered with QSP - Mirofilm.The first installation of the Samson ...
... was realized in the Years ‘80 at the Teatro Municipal of Santiago of Chile, while this picture and the following had been taken instead at Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires.

Samson is preparing to make collapse the temple, with a coup de théâtre among the most famous of Beni Montresor's shows.«Montresor narrates in his autobiography the realization - prodigious for the local technical possibilities - of these scenes, that will make of the Teatro Municipal of Santiago the first Latin American theater ...»
In the picture, the staging by Teatro Real of Madrid, during the opera season 1999.The Fundal cu iluminare spate was made of RTE - Temporale film.The walls on the sides of the scene are made of panels coated with the silver QSF - Miroflex mirror film.
«... exporter of shows on a world range.The end, particularly effective, in which the colossal columns of the temple of Dagon were seen to fall from the background of the stage almost until orchestra pit, with inevitable sensation of the public.»Gaetano Miglioranzi, From the Colour to the Light, Titivillus Publisher, 2004, pag. 128.
Opera in trei acte și four scenes
Prima reprezentatie
Weimar, Grand-ducal Theatre, 2/12/1877

costume design,
light design,
directia scenica
Beni Montresor (1926-2001)
Directia tehnica
Manuel Fontanals

Teatro Real of Madrid

The opera by Camille Saint-Saëns was brought on the stage several times by Beni Montresor (in Houston, Dallas, Buenos Aires, Santiago of Chile, Madrid, Barcelona și Lisbon).
The photos refer to the productions of the Teatro Real of Madrid, sezon 1998 / 1999, și of Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires, sezon 1997.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

Beni Montresor

Maestrii ai scenei

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

QSF - Miroflex

Materiale cu reflexii de oglindă

QSP - Mirofilm

Materiale cu reflexii de oglindă

RTE - Temporale

Folii retroproiecție

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor