
Arena Sferisterio, ''Tosca''


A detail of the TST - Silviastar mirror floor with which was covered the whole surface of the stage.The scenographer Emanuela Pischedda turned the stage of the Sferisterio ...
Vezi toate
... into a gigantic stylized and completely reflecting eye, thanks to the use of two mirroring materials, the TST - Silviastar floor and the QSP - Mirofilm.In the slightly tilted floor, on the earth, the pupil of the giant eye is recognizable, in which the colored wine glasses compose a female face, the one of the Maddalena painted by Cavaradossi ...
... that is reflected to the audience by the big circle that overhangs the scene and that it owes its own reflecting effect to the covering realized with the QSP - Mirofilm.
A group of twelve angels enter the scene.The angels are, in a following scene ...
... completely naked and are given birth by a presence introduced by the director Antonio Latella: that of the Madonna ...
... here reflected by the TST - Silviastar mirror floor.
The conclusion of the first act, with Scarpia supported by the angels and symbolically crucifix, as if it were the antichrist.On background, the face of the Maddalena composed by the wine glasses and reflexed by the QSP - Mirofilm.The TST - Silviastar mirror floor was also used ...
... to enhance the chromatic lighting effects, creating suffused atmospheres.The Roman places of Tosca, that is the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Palazzo Farnese and Castel Sant'Angelo, are only referred to in a symbolic way.
Melodrama in trei acte
Giacomo Puccini, (1858-1924)
Prima reprezentatie
Rome, Teatro Costanzi, 14/1/1900

Emanuela Pischedda
Directia tehnica
Bruno Carletti
Light design
Giorgio Cervesi Ripa
Directia scenica

Arena Sferisterio of Macerata

Materiale utilizate în această producție

QSP - Mirofilm

Materiale cu reflexii de oglindă

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