
Teatro alla Scala, ''Europa riconosciuta''


The initial shipwreck is rendered with the silhouette of a boat placed on a scenery wagon.Against the antirealistic background of four large strips of grey ASC - Sceno muslin illuminated from the front ...
Vezi toate
... until she runs aground in the center of the stage, opening in two.The protagonist Europa is saved from the shipwreck, but ...
... captured with her husband and her son, she is led to the royal palace of Tire.A Portal, a Plafon and, on the sides, two Flats, all covered with grey COS - Oscurante molton, are lowered onto the stage.In the next scene they are raised ...
... and replaced by a large framed backdrop, always covered with a grey COS - Oscurante molton.A scenery wagon enters the stage space laterally until it occupies it entirely.It carries on himself a battalion of 26 knights who, at the end of their entry ...
... rotate on their own axis turning towards the hall.The Teatro alla Scala celebrated its return to its headquarters in 2004, after the temporary transfer due to the renovation works, with the same opera with which, in 1778, it was inaugurated.The opera, which tells the story of Europe and Asterio, kings of Tire and Crete ...
... was commissioned to Salieri when he was twenty-eight.The scenography by the Piedmontese Galliari Brothers, which aroused great admiration, contributed to the success of the show.A new change of scene ...
... takes place by lowering again the Portal made of grey COS - Oscurante molton and with the entrance from the sides of four scenery wagons that represent steps.The choir enters the scene from below, thanks to the raising of the entire stage.
Drama in doua acte
Antonio Salieri (1750-1825)
Mattia Verazi
Prima reprezentatie
Milan, Teatro alla Scala, 3/8/1778

Directia scenica
Luca Ronconi (1933-2015)

2004 / 2005

Materiale utilizate în această producție

ASC - Sceno

Stofe / panze

Confectionare fără falduri

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

GGI - Siria


Pier Luigi Pizzi

Maestrii ai scenei

Scenographic quadratures

Rame pentru scenotehnică

ZSK - Ultralight Mirror

Oglinzi / fundaluri transparente

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