
COS - Oscurante

Molton de scena din bumbac

COS - Oscurante 17. albastru chroma keyThe datail shows the plush of the fabric that increases its darkening properties.
Vezi toate
COS - Oscurante 18. roșu15. bordeaux
COS - Oscurante 19. verde chroma key
Teatro Comunale of Bologna, ''The magic flute'' Four large aluminium Rame de metal (two are trapezoidal and two are rectangular) and covered with 18. red COS - Oscurante molton.But the scenography by Luigi De Angelis and Nicola Fagnani used ...
... 38 backdrops made of COS - Oscurante molton with different shapes, sizes and with 5 different colours: 18. red, 17. blue, 14. dark blue, green custom dyeing and 99. black.
Teatro Sociale din Como The Mascatura scena made of black COS - Oscurante molton of the stage of an Italian historical theatre ...
... of which the various parts that compose it are visible here: the wings, the tops, the backdrop ...
... and here the traditional way of hanging them using the wooden Cantinelle.And, of course, it can be seen the original and wonderful wooden Podul de scena.
COS - Oscurante is a soft double-faced fireproof cotton cloth, which does not easily retain marks of folds and wrinkles.
It is a twill legătură diagonală and it is plushy on both sides, that makes its surface photo-absorbent and closes its weft.
Thanks to its high opacity to light, it is ideal for masking and lighting control applications and it is commonly used to create curtains, black Mascatura scena, black boxes, backdrops, Flats, Cortine acustice and draperies of all kinds.
Its darkening properties are dimout, that is, they reach their maximum in the black colour and decrease in the less dark colours, to the point that the lighter ones can be used as light diffusers (with a warm colour temperature for the natural colour and a cold one for the white), for example for the butterfly diffusers in movie sets.
Due to its sound-absorbing properties it is used to reduce reverberation and improve the acoustics.
Its essential characteristics and low production costs make it one of the most used materials by stage technology, both in theater and television, where it is also known as Molton and Commando Cloth.
Reacția la foc
EN 13501-1 clasa B s1 d0
EN 13773 clasa 1
DIN 4102 clasa B1
NFP 92-503 clasa M1
100% bumbac
325 g / m² (negru)
300 g / m² (alte culori)
200 cm (numai negru)
300 cm
± 60 m
Metoda de ambalare
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
Cantitatea minima pentru comanda ± 500 m

Grad de opacitate
Rating 4.0 (negru)
Rating 2.0 (culori intermediare)
Rating 1.0 (natural, alb)
Grad de absorbtie a luminii
Rating 5.0
Pentru pictura
Rating 2.5
Pentru print digital
Non disponibile

Absorbtia sunetului
Rating 3.0
Type G-150
100% fullness
ISO 11654 rating
Weighted sound absorption coefficient: αw = 0.70 (MH)
Sound absorption class: C

prin metru
în bucăți întregi
pe paleți de ± 500 m
în realizări la comandă

Graficul de culoare

COS - Oscurante 00. natural01. alb13. gri95. gri închis99. negru (disponibil și în lățime 200 cm)
COS - Oscurante 14. albastru închis15. bordeaux17. albastru chroma key18. roșu19. verde chroma key21. purpură

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

''Det elektriske akvariet''

Expoziții, arta și arhitectura


Expoziții, arta și arhitectura

Claudio Baglioni, ''Q.P.G.A.''


Laura Pausini, ''Greatest Hits World Tour''


Mascatura scena

Cortine acustice

Nuevo Teatro Alcalá, ''Todo es Gila''


Order of the Architects of Rome

Spații comerciale.

Polyvalent Center of Brusaporto

Cortine pentru spatii diverse



Serrat y Sabina, ''Dos pájaros de un tiro''


Teatro alla Scala, ''Europa riconosciuta''

Opera lirica

Teatro alla Scala, ''Il ritorno di Ulisse in patria''

Opera lirica

Teatro Comunale, ''Flatul fermecat''

Opera lirica

Teatro Lirico, ''The Oprichnik''

Opera lirica

Teatro Real, ''Don Quijote''

Opera lirica

Teatro Regio di Parma, ''La damnation de Faust''

Opera lirica

Teatro Sociale Bonoris

Cortine pentru teatre reprezentative

Teatro Sociale of Como

Cortine pentru teatre reprezentative

Teleticino, ''Swiss Venture Club''

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