
Tul pentru scenografie

A short guide through the images

The tulle and the stage: one of the many classic schemes used in countless variations.A. LightingB. Front projectionC. LightingD. Rear projection1. Audience2. Cortina principala3. Wings and top (Mascatura scena)4. Tulle backdrop5. Ciclorama cu iluminare spate
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Teatro Verdi din Trieste, ''Madama Butterfly'' A painted backdrop made of BGO - Gobelin tulle is here frontally illuminated in a uniform way, while the stage area behind the backdrop is kept in the dark.In this lighting situation the backdrop does not give any impression of transparency, on the contrary, its appearance is not different from that of a painted backdrop made of ASC - Sceno muslin, but ...
... if the frontal lighting is kept only in the center of the backdrop, on the large painted face, and you slightly light up the stage area behind it, the tulle will become transparent where it is least affected by the front light ...
... and the maximum level of transparency will be found where the greatest difference in light intensity will be produced between the front of the backdrop and the area behind it.In this case, the biggest difference occurs in the lower left corner, where the two singers behind the tulle are framed by the light of a followspot.A closer view ...
... underlines the passage from the illumination of the area behind the backdrop to the frontal one.Notice, about this matter, as the stylized Japanese landscape, that can be seen in transparency, because it is painted on a backdrop made of ASC - Sceno muslin set behind the characters, dissolves when you move the look towards the big face painted on the backdrop, that takes a frontal illumination.
Teatro Regio di Parma, ''La damnation de Faust'' Projections on a backdrop made of silver tulle BRL - Rexor.The tulle is used to make the subjects that are projected appear out of nowhere (or disappear), maintaining the visibility of the real ones that are behind the projection layer and that can interact with it.It is an elementary optical principle ...
Opera din Erevan, ''The Last Judgement'' ... that exploits the difference in light between the front of the tulle and what is behind it, a difference that can be artificially created, and therefore controlled, with the use of lighting and projections.In the picture, a frontal projection on a grey BGO - Gobelin tulle, behind which the choir can be seen in transparency ...
... in a slight backlight obtained with a RAR - Arizona Ecran retroproiecţie.The Fundaluri cu iluminare spate are often installed behind tulle to create an adjustable backlit layer.
Pentru efecte, decorative si scenografice, cu fidelitate foarte mare.
Datorita gamei foarte largi de produse de tul se poate satisface fiecare nevoie pentru realizarea unui decor deosebit.
efecte generate de transparenta
efecte originale la proiectiile fata si retroproiectie
receptivitate mare la lumina si iluminare
dimensiuni mari pentru decoruri scenografice
optim pentru pictura

Video & Documentare

Teatro Carlo Felice of Genoa: ''Werther'' by Beni Montresor

Projections on grey BGO - Gobelin tulle

Göteborgs Stadtsteater, ''The Danton Case''

Kazan 2013, tul BRL - Rexor

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

C.N. de Teatro Clásico, ''La entretenida''


Concerte de vara


EUR, ''XI Quadriennale d'Arte''

Expoziții, arta și arhitectura

Grand Hotel

Spatii publice

Seminar de light design


Teatro dell'Opera dei Pupi

Cortine pentru teatre reprezentative

Teatro Español, ''Electra''


Teatro Regio di Parma, ''La damnation de Faust''

Opera lirica

Teatro Verdi, ''Madama Butterfly''

Opera lirica

Teatrul La Fenice, ''Otello''

Opera lirica

Teatrul San Carlo, ''Candide''

Opereta, zarzuela, musical

Teatrul San Carlo, ''Gustavo III''

Opera lirica

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor