
ASL - Light Sceno

Muselina ușoară din bumbac pentru scenografie

ASL - Light Sceno 99. negru when back-lighted.
Vezi toate
ASL - Light Sceno 99. negru
ASL - Light Sceno 00. natural iluminat în spate.
ASL - Light Sceno 00. natural
ASL - Light Sceno 01. alb when back-lighted.
Teatro Real de Madrid, ''Don Giovanni'' The transparency of ASL - Light Sceno sheer muslin was used in order to obtain these silhouettes with a back-lighting effect.
Stand al unui grup bancar The ASL - Light Sceno sheer muslin is frequently used in commercial installations, which exploit the effects of transparency with various applications.The large suspended backdrops made with confectionare sub forma de tub and enlightened from inside were made of ASL1000S - Light Sceno 1.000 cm sheer muslin 00. natural ...
... and they have been used for transparency games ...
ASL - Light Sceno is a legătură pânzã cotton sheer muslin.
It has a loose, semi-transparent weft and is available in widths up to 12 m.
It is a much lighter variant of the ASC - Sceno muslin, of which it weighs less than half.
It is used for projection and transparency effects similar to those obtainable with the tulle, of which it is considered an economical alternative, although it produces against the light a more coarse result and therefore it has its own character.
It lends itself optimally to being painted and to digital printing.
The combination of those features and a very affordable price in the smaller widths make it one of the most used fabrics in scenography, which uses it very frequently in theatrical stagings and in commercial and events' set-ups and for projections and lighting effects.
EVT - Light Sceno Poly is its polyester yarn version.
Reacția la foc
disponibil ignifug sau brut (netratat)
EN 13501-1 clasa B s1 d0
EN 13773 clasa 1
DIN 4102 clasa B1
100% bumbac
75 g / m²
300 cm
420 cm
600 cm
1.000 cm
1.200 cm
± 60 m
Metoda de ambalare
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
Cantitatea minima pentru comanda
± 500 m pentru lăţimi de la 300 la 420 cm
± 120 m pentru lăţimi de la 600 la 1200 cm

Iluminare frontala
Rating 4.5 exclus culoarea negru
Iluminare spate
Rating 1.5 exclus culoarea negru
Pentru pictura
Rating 5.0
Pentru print digital

prin metru
în bucăți întregi
în realizări la comandă

Graficul de culoare

ASL300N - Light Sceno 300 cm - Nu este ignifugatASL420N-LightSceno420ASL600N-LightSceno600ASL1000N-LightSceno1000ASL1220N - Light Sceno 1.200 cm - Nu este ignifugat 00. natural (raw bumbac)
ASL300S - Light Sceno 300 cmASL420S-LightSceno420ASL600S-LightSceno600ASL1000S-LightSceno1000ASL1220S - Light Sceno 1.200 cm 00. natural01. alb99. negru

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

''Dante Ferretti - Efemer din greșeală''

Expoziții, arta și arhitectura

Deschiderea unei fabrici


Digital Samovar, ''Thumbelina''


Stand al unui grup bancar

Spații comerciale.

Suzanne Vega și Alice at the Duomo


Teatro alla Scala, ''Madama Butterfly''

Opera lirica

Teatro Bonci, ''A.B.A. Bologna''

Opera lirica

Teatro Real, ''Don Giovanni''

Opera lirica

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