
WLA - Bride


WLA - Bride Sturdily legătură diagonală with a herringbone weave, they are available:- with Peroni's trade mark- unbranded.
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WLA - Bride are usually tied to WOC - Capse C fixed to a WCP - Chinga PLP.Or ...
... they can be sewn directly to the WCC - Chinga C in two main ways:A. open stitchingB. closed stitching
Teatro Sociale Bonoris WLA - Bride tied to WOC - Capse C to hang a backdrop made of COS - Oscurante molton to a Top batten.
LAC Lugano - Teatrostudio The sewn WLA - Bride of an Cortina acustica made of FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet.The closed seam sewing mode of the ties is the one suitable for the Sisteme de sine carriers.In this case it is a TRX track.
Teatro de la Maestranza, ''Così fan tutte'' A stagehand is hanging with WLA - Bride a curtain made of silver HLU - Textil Lucilla to the carriers of a Sisteme de sine.
Polyvalent Center of Brusaporto WLA - Bride with open seam to hang a velvet valance and a velvet curtain covering the fixing tube.
Bétonsalon, ''Hier revient ...'' Double-sided curtain made up of natural and night blue COS - Oscurante molton.The upper finish is with white WLA - Bride with closed seam.
The WLA - Bride are resistant ribbons made of fireproof fabric used to hang fabric and vinyl scenography artifacts to which they can be:
A. tied (in the presence of eyelets);
B. sewn on their back (for fabrics only) with:
- closed seam
- open seam, to cover the hanging tube.

They are then tied by means of a shoelace knot, which allows to adjust the height, to:
- Top metal battens
- Top wooden battens
- Grinzi de aluminiu
- carriers of Track systems.
IFR - inherently flame retardant
UNI 9177 class 1
50% bumbac, 50% modacrylic
6,2 g / m
2 cm
Lungimea rolei
100 m
Metoda de ambalare
Culori disponibile
vezi graficul de culori

în role întregi (lungime 100 m)
ca accesoriu pentru creații la comandă (lungime standard 80 cm)

Graficul de culoare

WLA - Bride - Cu marca Peroni 01. alb99. negru
WLA - Bride - Fără marcă 01. alb99. negru

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Bétonsalon, ''Hier revient ...''

Expoziții, arta și arhitectura

Furnituri pentru fundaluri din vinil

Fondaluri din vinil: furnituri și accesorii

Furnituri pentru materiale

Ţesătură: furnituri și accesorii

LAC Lugano

Spatii publice

Polyvalent Center of Brusaporto

Cortine pentru spatii diverse

Teatro de la Maestranza, ''Così fan tutte''

Opera lirica

Teatro Sociale Bonoris

Cortine pentru teatre reprezentative

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